We ask moderators to voluntarily moderate according to the rules and internal protocols, not tell them to "do your job." You're not going to be telling anyone "to do your job" with your history of trash, deliberately anti-social and TOU-violating behavior over the years, resulting in many instances of disciplinary action. We won't be bending over backwards for you again. Discontinue abusing the staff members.
Moderators are here for their own social needs, not to serve your specific "world-revolves-around-me-right-now" needs. They happen to care about safety and integrity of the community, so they volunteer their time for your benefit.
Users who volunteer to moderate live chat are handling anywhere from nearly 3,000 to nearly 4,000 users, depending on the time of day. The number of users is not a static set of users—it's a constantly revolving user base across 50+ chat rooms with a constant flow of reports from newly logged in users, as well as other system messages to act upon.
Moderating live chat isn't just easy clicks most of the time—things often require investigations with requests for more evidence, additional reports often need to be generated by the moderators away from chat while more reports are piling up... Then, the moderators need to catch up. There's no pause button.
Oftentimes, depending on the time of day, moderators find themselves operating alone for extended periods of time. It's not even possible to socialize with so much data flow, and moderation is complicated enough on its own. One has to mentally track multiple situations. I'm very well equipped (in fact, significantly better equipped than all moderators) in handling the flow of content along with required tasks, have been doing this for years and even I can't keep up when it's busy. It's literally impossible, even with some automated system responses we have in place. We do the best we can with the tools available to us.
Many moderators are using mobile devices which makes things unbelievably more complicated—not only they see live chat activity, they also see system messages, reports and other relevant operational data flow. Just clicking on a report to interpret the content and act upon is enough time for evidence to scroll away. Surely you've seen how quickly the screen fills up. Now, imagine half of that content being reports, system messages and the touch keyboard jumping in and out as you need to handle things.
In addition to all that, you can't expect any moderator sit for hours and moderate without taking breaks. There will be times when a break is needed and one might need to use the bathroom, answer the door, eat, answer a phone call, text or email on the sane phone they're using to moderate and handle anything else personal that's not related to chat.
When I'm logged in, I routinely step away to deal with personal business, leaving chat running so I can try to catch with as many reports as possible when I return, but this is hardly possible on a mobile device. Many reports will scroll out of the backlog and remain unhandled.
Some reports are impossible to handle, because evidence is insufficient, scrolled away or is completely lacking and the reporting isn't helping for various reasons.
If you have an issue with another user and a moderator isn't able to handle your issue in a timely manner, document your issue by gathering relevant evidence and report it later when more staff members are present.
If you have an issue with a moderator, because they are unable to address your situation, whether it's a legitimate concern or interpersonal conflict in public or private, right then and there, document it and report to an administrator at a later date. Moderation of spam, scams and illicit content will absolutely always take precedence. Moderators are instructed to prioritize urgent matters.
Subjecting a moderator to unnecessary pressure (harassment) is unacceptable and will be treated as staff abuse. This includes public badmouthing, spreading uninformed rumors, passive aggressive posts in an effort to make a moderator uncomfortable, insolent voice clip uploads and everything else that's a deliberate instrument to abuse the staff members. Use appropriate channels to seek a resolution and have patience.
If you abuse the staff members and we lose them, there will be no one left to moderate the chat, and the website will spiral into unmanageable chaos. That will be fun for nobody and that's how social platforms die.
If you continually abuse staff members, expect them to get tired of it and say something back. They're humans, not punching bags of ignorant tantrums.
Impersonation on FCN is not permitted and that's clearly spelled out in the rules, so it's puzzling as to why you're mentioning it. We routinely respond to such activity. Your fucking mouthpiece tool behavior is pretty fucking ridiculous.
If someone posts their photos in public for attention while seeking conflict with various users, there's a big chance someone will impersonate them using their publicly posted photos to retaliate. If someone wishes to report such activity, they need to document it using screenshots, because as I pointed out earlier, if reports are vague and/or it's busy, a moderator might not get a chance to review evidence, so taking action wouldn't be possible.
Multiple people normally document such activity and it eventually comes across my "desk." I'm yet to be presented with such evidence in this case.
We have protocols we must follow in order to avoid unfair prosecution as false reporting is prevalent and in fact, it's so common, we have a default option to select when warning people for false reporting.
The level of disrespect for moderators from long time users is fucking astounding, considering they've been here for years and have a great understanding of what moderators deal with. Starting to think we give way too much leeway to notorious assholes.
Fuck you and fuck your ignorant rhetoric.