Ban appeal


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Apologies if this isn't the correct place to post this.

I have been banned with the following message...

Your account or client is banned: We do not tolerate scammers. (87e6e9b9)

I'm not really sure why? I haven't been in any of the chat rooms in a while. I have appealed it but I'm curious to know what happened and why?

Thank you so much and Happy New Year!
I appreciate that but I'm not trying to appeal here as stated in my original post, I've already appealed. I've just seen a fair few posts regarding bans and so I wanted to ask a question that's all.

How can you be banned when you haven't even been in the chat rooms? That was my question.
Title of this post says "Ban appeal."

With millions yearly users connecting from around the world through countless ISP's of various sorts and over 32,000 ban appeals in the last 4+ yrs, it's impossible to start answering the question without knowing every single detail.

Use Ban Appeals, please.