Banned for "mod harassment"

Discussion in 'Drama' started by MiscellaneousTentacles, Jul 22, 2023.

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  1. MiscellaneousTentacles

    MiscellaneousTentacles New Member FCN Regular

    I was admittedly talking shit about a mod in one of the chats, not un-founded shit, but shit none-the-less. Then Ariel78 drops in, and begins squawking about me speaking ill of her "friend". To which i responded with my reasons for the way i felt, including proof in the form of screen shots. of course, at this point, bird brain has gone into complete defense mode, and nothing was getting through that ignorant hamster cage she calls a skull. seeing this, i attempted to shut down the argument, and she responded by banning both me, and Xhi, who i was talking to before being so rudely interrupted by a landslide of hot, steaming moderator garbage. I like most mods, most of them, but one thing they all refuse to consider is the fact they might have been, forgive my language, wrong. Wrong in giving a rank to people like Ariel, who feel its appropriate to use their ban hammer as a defense mechanism to a valid opposing opinion.

    Honestly, at this point, ive come to the lows in my expectations in which all I'm hoping for, is a ban appeal within the next week. Ariel SHOULD be demoted, I SHOULD get an apology for having to jump through hoops for having an opinion, but we all know that isn't going to happen.

    In the likely event that my ban appeal is either ignored or rejected (because god forbid they admit it was an invalid ban), I'd like to know how many decades I'll be waiting for the ban to lift, at the very least.
  2. Stanthropical

    Stanthropical De̸͍̺̺̓̾m̶̶̶ͫͫod̶̶̶ͩͩu̶̶̶ͧͧLaᴛ̶̶ⷮo̵̢̦̟͋̾̓r

    Ban appeal rejected as a result of this thread. Drama forum isn't for reporting drama either.

    If you have something to report, contact another moderator, admin or use other avenues, such as the Incident Report form or website contact form.

    Stirring and attempting to conspire with other users, as evidenced by screenshots of private conversations you initiated with other women and included in your ban appeal, is inappropriate. Did you have their permission to share those private conversations? Those conversations imply a hidden agenda.

    There's a right a wrong way to address an issue.
    Starting shit with moderators in public and including things which have nothing to do with you is wrong and it amounts to harassment. The conversation screenshots taken previously, suggests premeditated nefarious intent.

    By your own admission, you started shit with a moderator and illustrated by your own evidence that you attempted to get other people involved in harassment of a moderator. Grow the fuck up.

    It sounds like you deserved the ban.
    Busty_Nerd and Someguy1323 like this.
  3. MiscellaneousTentacles

    MiscellaneousTentacles New Member FCN Regular

    You make it sound like I'm planning to overthrow a monarchy, the screenshots i took were part of a collection of evidence i was amassing with the intention to bring it to a admin or mod, should it amount to more then a worrying trend. I was asking women for their experiences as i saw behaviors which suggested a use of power to influence and manipulate relationships and social dynamics, like handing out temporary ranks to members and guests that were agreeable. I was not "conspiring" with a "hidden agenda" or "premeditated nefarious intent" what the fuck do you think I'm trying to do? By my own admission, i was regrettably voicing my opinions out loud in a chat, in which no moderator was present, I didn't start shit, but Ariel sure ended it. She dropped in and began her berating of the topic, i did not message her through pms or whispers or otherwise, there was no harassment. I see this as a flimsy attempt to hide group protection amongst moderators, or maybe just refusal to admit an false initial view point, by framing me as some sort of Machiavellian villain.

    you say there is a right and wrong way to address an issue, and I'll admit I'm not all in the right, for taking screenshots of private conversations without the consideration of whether the people in them would be comfortable with it being shared, for being openly cavalier in chats about my views on a mod. But as much as i recognize these faults of my own, i ask you to do the same, for using a banning feature improperly, and for addressing this situation with the clear intent to paint me in a rattish, scheming light.
  4. MiscellaneousTentacles

    MiscellaneousTentacles New Member FCN Regular

    In no way did i attempt to conjure ill will against NativeWisdom, I made aware my concern at a potential pattern. I did not message him consistently with the intent to disrupt or cause irritation, and i did not encourage others to do so. what you say amounts to harassment is in reality, speaking my mind aloud in a small chat room with no mods present, almost the entire conversation consisting of two people, and "including things which have nothing to do with you" which i assume you mean to be my screenshots of earlier incidents, which as i said, i was collecting to file in case the issue gestated into a real problem, your reasons for justifying the ban is bullshit, and using the rejection of the ban appeal as a punitive measure for a post is the cherry on the shit sundae.
  5. MiscellaneousTentacles

    MiscellaneousTentacles New Member FCN Regular

    But what am i kidding, no matter how valid a point i make, you'll never yield to an argument that would make your judgment seem less then perfect.
  6. Stanthropical

    Stanthropical De̸͍̺̺̓̾m̶̶̶ͫͫod̶̶̶ͩͩu̶̶̶ͧͧLaᴛ̶̶ⷮo̵̢̦̟͋̾̓r

    You make it sound like you're planning to overthrow a fantasy monarchy with this attentionwhoring thread.

    You're trying to influence and manipulate relationships and social dynamics, to gain social favoritism and white knight hero status over shit that doesn't exist. It's cringe at best. VIP status is exactly for that purpose--to identify those who are agreeable, regardless of how the "rank" is used by a moderator then-currently in-charge. "Part of a collection of evidence I was amassing with INTENTION to bring it to admin or mod, should it amount to more then a worrying trend." A trend identified by whom? Who the fuck are you? There are no complaints about that mod of such nature. There's no trend. If you don't like his personality, feel free to use the block feature.

    You're also using the poor unsuspecting women (they could be men, tbh, we'll never know, but that's your problem) and their private words to campaign against some perceived threat for which there is zero evidence. We work with evidence, not nonsensical confrontations and harassment. Have you contacted any men about this issue?

    Thank you for ending it, @Ariel78

    Nobody wants your views.
  7. Stanthropical

    Stanthropical De̸͍̺̺̓̾m̶̶̶ͫͫod̶̶̶ͩͩu̶̶̶ͧͧLaᴛ̶̶ⷮo̵̢̦̟͋̾̓r

    You clearly did. And even manipulated other people into discussing with you something that doesn't exist.
    None of your activity looks like a concern, but rather manipulation of women younger than you for you against a moderator who you don't like.
    You PM'd others to manipulate them into joining your nonsense in the future. I've seen this a hundred times. Conducting such activity in front of the person of subject is undeniable harassment.
    You wouldn't be in this situation if it was such a low-key, innocent discussion.
    I haven't seen any evidence for any incidents.
    Enjoy your shit sundae.
    Someguy1323 likes this.
  8. Stanthropical

    Stanthropical De̸͍̺̺̓̾m̶̶̶ͫͫod̶̶̶ͩͩu̶̶̶ͧͧLaᴛ̶̶ⷮo̵̢̦̟͋̾̓r

    You don't have a point. You're just trying to manipulate people into taking some sort of action against a person who you do not like.
  9. MiscellaneousTentacles

    MiscellaneousTentacles New Member FCN Regular

    Your argument consists of accusing me of some ulterior motive, and stirring action against a mod. I can't give you evidence to my motives either way, aside from saying i was genuinely concerned, I'm sorry you don't think my opinion is valid. but in accusing me of "manipulating" "poor unsuspecting" "young women" you are actively doing the very thing that you perceive me to be doing myself. All but one of the women who i spoke with are my friends, people who i have spoken with for a long while before any of this nonsense popped up, and framing them them as defenseless victims of some great plan is to demean them. I hadn't brought any evidence to a mod or admin, because i knew what i currently had was not enough, in talking to people i wanted to let them know that if anything DID happen, they could come to me with it, as i had been collecting screenshots that do not justify this random mod being some sort of creep, but instead gave background to the situation. Hell, these conversations were weeks ago, and because i stopped seeing unusual behavior, or any new evidence of outright harassment or manipulation, i let it be. I had all but forgotten about the bump in worrying actions when i entered that chat, and made an offhand comment about seeing the VIP rank. At that moment, and for this entire time before you just told me, i was under the impression that the rank was not supposed to be handed out, as it was quickly deleted by other mods in less then a few days after being assigned. But when Ariel dropped into the chat, instead of clarifying that giving out the rank wasn't any sort of trespass, she began slinging insults.

    I'm honestly sorry, and would like to apologize to NativeWisdom if my earlier discussions resulted in some form of second hand harassment, I'd wish to speak to the people who did go on to harass him, to clarify his innocence. I had no intent to encourage this sort of behavior towards someone who i personally consider to be free from wrong, instead i wanted to make sure that people weren't being hurt, because as i said, these people are my friends. Some of the things i said in that chat as a result of seeing that rank were in bad taste, but far from outwardly encouraging others to go on and harass. the ban in and of itself is for mod harassment, but given that i had left the situation alone, and at no point spoke with the intent to encourage others directly to harass, i find it invalid, unless of course someone did go on to harass him, in which case, I'll accept the ban and, as i said, i'd be happy to message them through the use of the conversation feature to clear the water.
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2023
  10. MiscellaneousTentacles

    MiscellaneousTentacles New Member FCN Regular

    I need a break from this site anyways, and because Its clear I'm not making any headway, I'm going to take one. I don't find this thread useless, to me at least, I understand what i did wrong, and have my opinions on the moderation of the situation, but those are my own. My takeaway is don't fuck with mods, and be more aware of how my conversations effect others, even if not intentionally manipulative. I apologize for the time this has consumed, as i value the moderation of the site more then you likely think i do. I'm aware the decision is up to you, as far as how long I'm banned, but hopefully its less then unreasonable. If you come to the conclusion that my ban should be permanent, then that's a shame, but i do happen to have a life, so i wouldn't find it devastating.
    Someguy1323 and Stanthropical like this.
  11. Stanthropical

    Stanthropical De̸͍̺̺̓̾m̶̶̶ͫͫod̶̶̶ͩͩu̶̶̶ͧͧLaᴛ̶̶ⷮo̵̢̦̟͋̾̓r

    If your ban were permanent, you wouldn't be here any longer. Do avoid fucking with mods--moderators enjoy same protections as you do and some mods are more sensitive than others. Passive-aggression is likely to be treated as harassment, which it is anyway. Abuse of the community by stirring shit behind the scenes to turn people against each other won't be tolerated either, should such activity be reported. We're stretched very thin and as a result so is our patience, and on top of all that, we are volunteers. If you fuck with mods too often, you'll eventually deal with admins. Other admins may be more lenient than I am.

    @Xhi Take notes.
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