i got stans award right herehttp://2.bp.Freechatnow.com/-mIjH_PFjVzc/UeU-oZmlCzI/AAAAAAAAAT8/l0IDrpSJaW0/s1600/You-Dirty-Mind-Its-A-Girl-Pent-Have-Funny-Zip-in-America-fashion-xxx-fucking-teen-image.jpg
lmao at you thinking i'm butthurt. You really need to take a good hard look at the life you are wasting. Maybe, just maybe if you pulled Tarkus out of your ass and your dick out of your pocket pussy, go outside and lived a life, you might realize that you have reached an entire new level of douchery. Stop being so salty over the fact that you are not liked. You will never be liked. Go kick rocks and give Maddie a call. I hear you guys were hot and heavy at one point. Shame it didn't go anywhere. What happened?
are u still butt hurting , nice catfish google pic by the way dude lol do u want another forum for this anger comment. lol
Mental illness. Your dumb ass remarks are like dead leaves hitting the ground and wind is shoveling them about. Irrelevant.