Confess your sins....

Pride: Minimally
Greed: Yes
Lust: yes
Envy: yes
Gluttony: No
Wrath: No longer
Sloth: no

Ls x
Pride: I think so - but doesn't pride look different on everyone? I'm not sure what my pride looks like if I have it. I only know what it looks like on others tbh...
Greed: Yes
Lust: No
Envy: Yes
Gluttony: No
Wrath: No
Sloth: Yes
When I leave a restaurant, and the host/hostess says "have a nice night," I respond with "don't tell me what to do." It started out as a joke, but it's like where you tell your friend she's a whore and you laugh, but she really is a whore and you meant it, but you try to make it seem like you're joking...