Science Theory Different Planes of existence

Discussion in 'Science and Technology' started by CanadianBeast, Jan 23, 2019.

  1. CanadianBeast

    CanadianBeast Member

    Anyone ever had déjà vu? I read a cool article that broadened my mind about the subject of alternate realities/ planes of existence. Anyone else ever pondered about it? The idea that we live multiple lives in the same place just in a different reality.

    When you have seriously felt you have said something standing in the exact same spot or feel that hair stand up as you have deja vu.

    If you have ever used DMT you know the out body experience. It could possibly be your inner consciousness travelling to the other realities. But then again maybe your just tripping hardcore balls ;)

    The article talked about deja vu and multiple existences with possible theories for example like maybe this reality is a simulation by super intelligent beings, or that we are split up into pieces and spread across different dimensions or that this is it and Life is as we see it and everything is just a coincidence.

    Which led me to question what I knew about reality. Anyone else have some possible theories?
    Therod2907 and RoxSta like this.
  2. updowncharm

    updowncharm New Member

    It's all in your mind. Your brain can create hallucinations.
    RoxSta likes this.
  3. Danaa93

    Danaa93 Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    Happens all the time. Basically it’s all in the mind and what we recall in our memory. Deja vu relates to a feeling of familiarity. Like we’ve been to a certain place or done soemthing specifical before we actually experience it. Our minds trigger deja vu as ir searches for something that we may have experienced in a past situation into the new current situation that we’re currently experiencing. Therefore it’s basically an incomplete recollection of our memory. We may not be familiar of what it is we’re currently experiencing, but we know we’ve been there at some point before.
    Ninj192 likes this.
  4. Stanthropical

    Stanthropical De̸͍̺̺̓̾m̶̶̶ͫͫod̶̶̶ͩͩu̶̶̶ͧͧLaᴛ̶̶ⷮo̵̢̦̟͋̾̓r

    Neurons misfiring. A brain malfunction.

    Idea of multiverse was conceived by Schrodinger in early 1950, influenced by his obsession with ancient philosophy and religion. Same nonsense as time travel.
    Flirtinghubby likes this.
  5. AmyUKx

    AmyUKx Guest

    I think each second, or maybe millisecond, is a plane of existence and the collisions of the last one and the current one creates the next one and on and on, annihilating the last but one each time, but sometimes one gets away and goes rogue and these become deja vu or imagined past lives, still connected to us sort of but now outside the creation/ annihilation thing or order. Maybe this is why some people can experience the same deja vu simultaneously, cos that rogue moment ping-pongs between them like pinball. But what do I know, I am rubbish at this stuff and my brain does unpredictable stuff sometimes :)
  6. FreakyGurl

    FreakyGurl Member FCN Regular

    I've had a fair amount of deja vu's till date :p with a little bit of research, I came to know it's a condition called precognition. I've never actually come across anyone in life who had had similar experiences, which is why most of the people I talk to about it just dismiss it immediately as a joke :( which is hurtful and understandable at the same time.

    If you view time as a loaf of bread cut into numerous slices, each possessing a distinct moment at a distinct time in your life, then you get a unified version of reality (which kinda runs in contrast with various alternate realities that you mentioned) but it's a fun theory, which essentially says that your past, present, and future exist on the same plane and they're happening all at once. But since we're living our life through one slice at a time, it seems as though the slices ahead of us (the future) has not unfolded yet.

    Check this out when you have the time:
  7. Pinguu

    Pinguu Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    @FreakyGurl - umm link shows error.

    What you said vs the main is a bit different. He said "we live" multiple lives. That bit for every Slice of the bread is it isn't reality and timeline. There is no "we" in that.

    This primarily has been theoretical as it solves the Grand Father paradox, however the lack of Practical proof - as in Visitors from "other timelines" makes one feel it is just "time" for all. There is no past, it might be past for one, but for that plane of existence, it is present. Further, uncle Einstien destroyed dreams when he expressed how we need to be faster than the speed of light to be able to traverse time.
  8. Stanthropical

    Stanthropical De̸͍̺̺̓̾m̶̶̶ͫͫod̶̶̶ͩͩu̶̶̶ͧͧLaᴛ̶̶ⷮo̵̢̦̟͋̾̓r

    I love how people dismiss history, origins, discoveries of facts through reasearch and science, while posting in science.
    D_go likes this.
  9. alphame

    alphame Guest

    Feels like watching donnie darko all over again
    The concept of we living in a multiverse has not been proved yet
    But the concept of we living in a simulation has been ruled out because scientists say that there are not enough particles in the universe to make a simulation , i dont get that but thats how it is
    Autonomous likes this.
  10. Frankey

    Frankey Guest

    Maybe there are rules? You can build a universe simulation but you can only use x- numbers if particles.
  11. alphame

    alphame Guest

    Maybe but we have no means to prove or disprove that i guess, one thing that still baffles me is the thing i read in an article which says universe is not open,close or isolated
  12. Ehri

    Ehri Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    This is philosophy, history, origins, discoveries and facts are irrelevant.
  13. Stanthropical

    Stanthropical De̸͍̺̺̓̾m̶̶̶ͫͫod̶̶̶ͩͩu̶̶̶ͧͧLaᴛ̶̶ⷮo̵̢̦̟͋̾̓r

    Your face is irrelevant.
  14. Ehri

    Ehri Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    I hope that wasn't an insult. Are you irrelevant?
  15. Stanthropical

    Stanthropical De̸͍̺̺̓̾m̶̶̶ͫͫod̶̶̶ͩͩu̶̶̶ͧͧLaᴛ̶̶ⷮo̵̢̦̟͋̾̓r

    Why are you even posting in this thread?
  16. Ehri

    Ehri Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    Because I reply to what you post here.
  17. Stanthropical

    Stanthropical De̸͍̺̺̓̾m̶̶̶ͫͫod̶̶̶ͩͩu̶̶̶ͧͧLaᴛ̶̶ⷮo̵̢̦̟͋̾̓r

    Why didn't you reply to my first reply? lol
  18. Ehri

    Ehri Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    I thought I did.
  19. Therod2907

    Therod2907 Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    Well thats totally true I guess!

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