Fox "news"

Discussion in 'Drama' started by Dcdevon, Oct 31, 2017.

  1. Dcdevon

    Dcdevon Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    I have come to the conclusion that Fox is the official mouthpiece of the orange facist white house . Especially it's opinion hosts. I couldn't figure out if Hannity or Ingrams we're even watching the same events as everyone else. I think they would actually fight each other to be the first to suck his dick.
  2. Sextape99

    Sextape99 Active Member FCN Regular

    So which news is it you prefer? And who's we dick are you referring to?
  3. Dcdevon

    Dcdevon Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    The orange facist
  4. Stanthropical

    Stanthropical De̸͍̺̺̓̾m̶̶̶ͫͫod̶̶̶ͩͩu̶̶̶ͧͧLaᴛ̶̶ⷮo̵̢̦̟͋̾̓r

    Drumpf likes to get his morning news from Fox and the like. He then retweets it, no matter how fallacious. So, yes, Fox is the reverse mouthpiece for the White House at this time.

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  5. Kelsey12

    Kelsey12 Well-Known Member

    I'd never watched Fox News until a few months ago when I went for a hearing test and they had it playing on the tv in the waiting room. My butthole has never puckered so much in a 15 minute span. Good thing I only get a hearing test once a year.
    MsEvaline likes this.
  6. Dcdevon

    Dcdevon Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    And millions of Americans believe it's every word no matter what lol
    DamianaMinx likes this.
  7. Sextape99

    Sextape99 Active Member FCN Regular

    im guessing that you a Democrat? If so may i ask what issues you feel strongly about that make you identify as such ?
  8. Sextape99

    Sextape99 Active Member FCN Regular

    i think you mean far left as there is now proof the cintons shelled out over 9 mil on the DNC media agenda... it doesnt go without sayig its evident and obvious the Rep's are guilty as well .perhaps not to such a gross extent. ts vey sad that americans have been so de-educated into thinking that our political system is "ok" well as our financials, educational, and our social values. The whole thing is really pathetic considering "We The People" have fallen prey to all the things the founding fathers set out to protect us against....& it was only a matter of time before it would happen seeing how history tells us all governed societies migrate leftwards. What We were supposed to be special because the constitution allows us 2 powers in the whole experiment of which1 is a total joke--- thats voting . Finally unlike many of the other countries we are allowed the right to bear arms (not for hunting, or collecting- but to kill the motherfuckers if they dont choose to see it our way; just as our fore-fathers did. At this point it should be no suprise that im going to tell you there have many many attempts to disarm us disguised as looking out for our well being .
    2 things ...each greatly diminished by a Constitutional standard. We have to wise up and quit the petty skirmish's that divide us...the corruption that steals our wealth must stop on both sides and i only see it happening at the end of a bayonette lug .(which by the way is outlawed in many states)
  9. Dcdevon

    Dcdevon Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    Both sides spend a lot on media. And CNN is definitely left leaning. The difference being CNN will air stories that do not put Dems in a good light. It may not be a long segment but they will. Fox either ignores stories negative to the right and the administration, try to spin them or downplay the significance.
  10. Dcdevon

    Dcdevon Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    I'm a strong believer in social programs , I believe business needs to be regulated to an extent , I believe the environment must be protected. I believe in walk street regulation. I do not think trickle down economics works the rich will take the money and use it for themselves the poor man gets no benefit. Uncontrolled business will not help the economy. I believe that 2008 proved that. I could go on but those are the basics
  11. Dcdevon

    Dcdevon Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    There are some Repub points I agree with though. So I would say I lean heavily Democratic
  12. Dcdevon

    Dcdevon Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    I will also say this my dislike of and his party is not just because they are Repubs. I didn't think the last 3 Repub presidents were good. But I thought they did what they thought was best for the country for the most part. And I didn't dislike any of them. I do not think that is the case with the orange facist he doesn't care about the people, only himself and his ego.
  13. Autonomous

    Autonomous The Village Clown FCN Regular

    Fox News is one of the only conservative news sources I trust. If you aren't conservative, than ignorance is bliss...:po_O:cool:

    Poor uneducated one taught you discernment did they...awwwww, BOO HOO!
  14. Kelsey12

    Kelsey12 Well-Known Member

    PervGirl_AP_taboo likes this.
  15. Dcdevon

    Dcdevon Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    Yes we are. It is a very big deal here. She is kinda an idiot though, so stupid people believe stupid things. Unfortunately there are a lot like her.
  16. Stanthropical

    Stanthropical De̸͍̺̺̓̾m̶̶̶ͫͫod̶̶̶ͩͩu̶̶̶ͧͧLaᴛ̶̶ⷮo̵̢̦̟͋̾̓r

    It sure is, isn't it? :D

    And cognitive dissonance is the bitch of all bitches. ;)

    No, no irony here at all. :)

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