Grim's list of creeps, harassers, and other undesirable people

Discussion in 'Drama' started by GrimTheCeratosaurus, Oct 14, 2022.

  1. GrimTheCeratosaurus

    GrimTheCeratosaurus Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    Back when I first joined, I ignored a few no's, and it emotionally hurt people who I cared about, both directly(by me being stupid) and indirectly(other people saying I'm bad), and it destroyed my life and other's lives for years. This is my attempt to redeem myself.

    This is a list of other people who have emotionally harmed others. Victim's names will be omitted unless they choose to be mentioned by name.
    - @IssacFoster, who harassed @Sluttywolf with repeated attempts to be her owner after they rejected his first attempt.

    - G|WiseGecko for IRL stalking and harassment in PMs

    - @Chade has harassed @NekoCat severely, repeatedly messaging her despite being blocked.

    [redacted] - If you or someone you know are at risk of harm, or unable to keep yourselves safe, please contact your local emergency services or crisis support line. -

    [redacted] - Do not post about potentially illegal subject matters. Report any illegal content, with evidence. -
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 6, 2023
    Luxu, Rlppler, BlackDahlia22 and 2 others like this.
  2. Alana664

    Alana664 Member FCN Regular

    I read your profile and maybe I want to give you a whirl. I do not want to hurt anyone.
    GrimTheCeratosaurus likes this.
  3. Makisko

    Makisko Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    So lets put another person on that list of your creeps. Put yourself there, you know you deserve to be there so dont be pathethic and grow some balls by putting yourself there.
  4. Alana664

    Alana664 Member FCN Regular

    I think balls would look a little unnatural on me. I am not a creep!!
  5. Makisko

    Makisko Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    I was talking to Grim
  6. Alana664

    Alana664 Member FCN Regular

  7. Makisko

    Makisko Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    No worries :)
  8. Alana664

    Alana664 Member FCN Regular

    Makisko likes this.
  9. EmmaJay

    EmmaJay Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    You have emotionally harmed others and you're wanting to redeem yourself by creating a thread so you can trash other people....not the best strategy. JMO
  10. GrimTheCeratosaurus

    GrimTheCeratosaurus Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    I'm not trashing people I don't like, I trash people who deserve it. I opened this thread to protect my friends from people who are like I was.
  11. EmmaJay

    EmmaJay Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    Well, just remember what goes around, comes around and there is nothing good that can come from that kind of stuff. I don't understand letting people have that much control over you.
  12. EmmaJay

    EmmaJay Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    And if your friends need protection like that, maybe a chat site isn't the right place for them.
  13. Yamizo_866

    Yamizo_866 Guest

    Old drama..
  14. LeglifterD

    LeglifterD Member FCN Regular

    Ooooo, temperature is rising!
  15. EmmaJay

    EmmaJay Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    No "temperature rising" going on with me. Its just my opinion.
    PoliteandNaughty likes this.
  16. LeglifterD

    LeglifterD Member FCN Regular

    Thanks for letting me know.
    EmmaJay likes this.
  17. EmmaJay

    EmmaJay Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    No problem. :D
  18. Pyr

    Pyr Guest

    well, whilst i do not know the basis of Grim's charges, nor whether they are valid or not, there is an unsettling lack of civility amongst the patrons from time to time. Scarlet letters and advertisements non-withstanding are probably the only recourse to recriminate these vile individuals, since they cannot be virtually tar and feathered, thereby letting other's know of their crimes. On the other hand, truth, like beauty, is oft in the eye of the beholder, and accusations should not bandied about glibly lest one be slandered unduly. Perhaps Grim is correct to call out other's baser natures, but, there is always the risk of those that cast stones at glass houses invariably have theirs shattered as well... no one is above reproach and we all do and say things we oft regret or should not have done so, in hindsight, for the greater good, whatever that's worth.
  19. Makisko

    Makisko Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    Yeah except half of this list is just lies to make other shit on those ppl XD
  20. Pyr

    Pyr Guest

    mmm that may well be... as i said, i am ignorant of the specifications of the charges or the events that led to them thereon

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