Rights and Freedoms Is America Still The Best Hope For Freedom Around The World ?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Lamar56, Jul 17, 2018.

  1. Dcdevon

    Dcdevon Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    We we're at war. That's what you do in war. We are not at war with Iran . And there is no reason to start one. Especially since they were complying with the nuclear agreement we made. I'm not a dove GamerGirl. I grew up at the end of the cold war. I'm fine with military action if it's necessary. An unprovoked attack on Iran is not necessary.
  2. Dcdevon

    Dcdevon Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    Won ? He's being investigated on multiple fronts and has been cleared of nothing. In fact the evidence keeps mounting that he committed multiple crimes. If that's you're idea of winning. You clearly do not understand what the word means. And again Mueller did not say Tr.ump did not do what the report says. Tr.ump hasn't won anything yet . He actually is getting deeper and deeper into shit.
  3. Dcdevon

    Dcdevon Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    Wow @GamerGirl92 ! You think Tr.ump has won! Let's see hmmmm he still doesn't have funding for his wall, he hasn't been cleared of any accusations yet , in fact he is an unidicted co- conspirator in the SDNY case , the Mueller probe keeps getting closer and closer to him, he clearly is no match for Pelosi and the Democrats in the House, the House is now looking to confirm the BuzzFeed story, he was investigated by the FBI because of his coziness with Russia , he is being blamed by the majority of Americans for the shutdown even those in his base , his tarrifs have hurt farmers so much he had to give them a cash bailout , Mattis left because of his handling of our military affairs, Barr his nomination for AG is close to Mueller and he didn't even know it , and the Mueller investigation isn't over. Yeah he's definitely winning lol
  4. GamerGirl92

    GamerGirl92 LGBT Forum & Chat Moderator Staff Member FCN Regular

    Let me rephrase, he won the election.
  5. Dcdevon

    Dcdevon Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    Let's see all the other ways Tr.ump is winning. It's now proven the separation of children at the border was planned months in advance contrary to what the administration said ( Neilson may be called to testify in the House and may be charged with perjury) Zinke is leaving rather than be called to Congress, Senate Democrats are looking into the BuzzFeed report etc etc etc winning
  6. Dcdevon

    Dcdevon Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    Yes he did. And right now is probably wishing he didn't. He's having a really bad year so far and this is only the beginning. Democrats have only been in control of the House a few weeks. They haven't even really begun oversight of his administration. And they have so much to go after him for they aren't even pursuing all options. Now the downside to this is not much will be accomplished the next two years. But not much was being accomplished before the Dems took the House either. But he is about to learn how bad and nasty politics can be. And what it's like to have real opposition. I don't think he's liking it too much lol
  7. GamerGirl92

    GamerGirl92 LGBT Forum & Chat Moderator Staff Member FCN Regular

  8. Autonomous

    Autonomous The Village Clown FCN Regular

    America will always be the best!
  9. realityman

    realityman New Member

    Of course America is the best hope. Amazing the critics within our own country who have been brainwashed by the MSM and Hollywierd portraying
    America as narcissistic opportunist preying upon the rest of the world. These people need to get a reality check and go see the real story.
    I have walked through shitholes of the world. I have operated in positions to see where the corruption really exist. I myself would tighten our generosity to the world.
    Yes we have made some mistakes, but America has done the world far more positive than it has ever received back. So quit swallowing the ridiculous swill. The politicians
    in this country from both partys are playing you, need to smarten up.
    Lamar56 likes this.
  10. GamerGirl92

    GamerGirl92 LGBT Forum & Chat Moderator Staff Member FCN Regular

  11. witchygirl

    witchygirl Well-Known Member FCN Regular

  12. Autonomous

    Autonomous The Village Clown FCN Regular

  13. GamerGirl92

    GamerGirl92 LGBT Forum & Chat Moderator Staff Member FCN Regular

  14. JJHale91

    JJHale91 New Member

    America hasn't been the best hope for freedom around the world since after WWII basically. Then we became one of the biggest threats to freedom around the world, once the CIA and other organizations took it on themselves to be the new world police and start a bunch of wars and pick sides in foreign conflicts. Boy that was a mouthful. :p
    Alex_1199 likes this.
  15. Billy_B

    Billy_B Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    Is America Still The Best Hope For Freedom Around The World?

    You must be so fucking bored to come up with such things.

    Americans remain confident that any definition of a free nation must include their own — the land of free.

    Francis Scott Key, the man who named the United States “the land of the free and the home of the brave”, owned six slaves.

    The only thing USA gives to the world is a severe case of Hemorroides and diabetes

    Alex_1199 and witchygirl like this.
  16. Alex_1199

    Alex_1199 Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    You summed it up so well I got flashbacks to my history class.
    Good times
  17. Lamar56

    Lamar56 Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    Then why do countries around the world accept our foreign aid to them ? Should we not send it ? Then where would they go for that money ?
    GamerGirl92 and Modron like this.
  18. Male_uk

    Male_uk Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    You realise you ain't the only country in the world that sends money?
  19. GamerGirl92

    GamerGirl92 LGBT Forum & Chat Moderator Staff Member FCN Regular

    Well no of course not. But the USA is the largest contributor to the UN though right?
  20. SexyAsianBitch

    SexyAsianBitch Forum & Chat Moderator Staff Member FCN Regular


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