Pictures of Women Who are Perfect 10's

Wow. This is crazy.
All women are beautiful and should be respected as such. This thread just may be the most senseless thing I've ever read. Bodies aren't everything, and I get having a type, but women should all be respected as perfect in anyway. Phew
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You can use to internet. Post a picture of a perfect 10. Can you find somebody hotter?
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This is sad, immature, and amazingly short sighted compared to what the REAL women here offer. If you want that juvenile stuff go to Reddit.

There is so much beauty, class, and taste from the women on this site that it makes me happy knowing none of it will be wasted on shit like this, because the women here are smart as hell too.

As for the jealousy thing, grow the fuck up dude. Thalassa was bringing up some very valid points...1. mainstream beauty standards are bullshit. 2. You, are indeed, bullshit.

Oh shit! I just had an epiphery... This thread is for it all makes sense.
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As the saying goes, de gustibus non disputandum est. Six years of Latin education has prepared me to 1) read the inscriptions on buildings in Rome; 2) make pithy phrases in chat rooms and 3) prepare me as an interpreter in case we are ever invaded by ancient Romans. LOL
This is suppose to be an adult site. There is nothing wrong with posting pictures of beautiful women, for our male members to appreciate. Instead of hating models, we could maybe stop for a minute and appreciate beauty. So my message to the guys is simple, don't feel the need to apologize, just because some people thrive on negativity. Go ahead and post photos of women you think are absolutely stunning. If some people are offended by perfection, than they're the ones who are immature.

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This is suppose to be an adult site. There is nothing wrong with posting pictures of beautiful women, for our male members to appreciate. Instead of hating models, we could maybe stop for a minute and appreciate beauty. So my message to the guys is simple, don't feel the need to apologize, just because some people thrive on negativity. Go ahead and post photos of women you think are absolutely stunning. If some people are offended by perfection, than they're the ones who are immature.

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You're perpetuating harmful stereotypes that have been designed to make women, stunning and beautiful women, feel horrible about themselves. When you post pics of women that all fit one type, then call it perfect, that's extremely short sighted. Especially photoshopped pics. It's just sad.