Professional student

Discussion in 'Education' started by Angelxox, Jan 1, 2019.

  1. Angelxox

    Angelxox Guest

    I’ve been in university so long it’s not even funny.

    Don’t get me wrong.

    I love my major; psychology.

    But ironically, my own me mental illnesses have forced me to put school in the back seat. Take time off and everything. And even now that I’m back at it, I’m limited with my course load and it’s just so infuriating!!

    All my friends have graduated already.

    And yeah I know, I should attribute my success to the success of others but UGHHHHH!!!

    I just want to be done with it all.

    And obviously I don’t want to quit.

    I want that fancy Dr. Title so I put that shit on everything.

    I want to reach my goal and have that fancy over priced and undervalued paper in hand and say... Despite everything... I made it!

    It’s harrrd though.

    Especially when I’m studying some of the illness I’ve been diagnosed with.

    When I started my degree... I never that any of it was me or ever could be.

    I just wanted to help people who suffered on the inside. And I didn’t know I want to admit I was suffering at all.


    I just hope it gets easier... and I hope I’m done soon.
    Thalassa likes this.
  2. Demi_x

    Demi_x Weirdo FCN Regular

    I feel ya!!

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