Information Purpose of this section: Discuss the chat rooms and the FreeChatNow website.

Discussion in 'FreeChatNow Help & Support' started by Stanthropical, Dec 19, 2017.

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  1. Stanthropical

    Stanthropical De̸͍̺̺̓̾m̶̶̶ͫͫod̶̶̶ͩͩu̶̶̶ͧͧLaᴛ̶̶ⷮo̵̢̦̟͋̾̓r

    The purpose of this particular section is only to discuss the forum/chat environment and function/features.

    If you're experiencing what to you seems to be a malfunction, have screenshots and other specifics ready before posting. Not all of us perceive and explain what we see in the same way, so evidence of your claim will be required.

    Vague requests for assistance will be ignored.

    Introductions go to introductions.
    Hookups go to Hookups and Hangouts.
    Off-topic, random conversations, silly thoughts and silly games go to Hookups and Hangouts.

    The rest are self-explanatory.
    Blackalienzg, Freakishhottie and Goth like this.
  2. Stanthropical

    Stanthropical De̸͍̺̺̓̾m̶̶̶ͫͫod̶̶̶ͩͩu̶̶̶ͧͧLaᴛ̶̶ⷮo̵̢̦̟͋̾̓r

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