Take away our right to bare arms ; a good or bad idea ?

Discussion in 'Drama' started by Lamar56, Apr 5, 2018.

  1. Lamar56

    Lamar56 Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    I do not have the right to kill another person . But if that person for whatever reason chooses to threaten my life or others that i love with a gun or a bomb ; I should have the right to defend myself and or others with the force of at least a gun to stop him !! And under our Constitution i thank God that i do have that right !!! I have that same right to defend myself if by chance our government gets too radical and tries to take away my rights and or threatens my life !!!
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2018
    SZinder likes this.
  2. Lupine

    Lupine Guest

    Tell you, some of you should join the military and pop along to a few vacation zones in the world. You'll understand that guns are not the fun thing you think they are.

    If your basing your rights on ideas written 200 years ago. Why have you added additional laws for anything? If that one is good enough for guns. Why don't the others cover everything else?
    Dcdevon likes this.
  3. Lamar56

    Lamar56 Well-Known Member FCN Regular


    Because it is all about the freedoms we have here as individuals !!!
  4. Lupine

    Lupine Guest

    What about the freedom to a life some child has but doesn't get because someone hit them by accident. The US gets upset about aborting babies, yet your happy to have them gunned down in schools..
    witchygirl and Dcdevon like this.
  5. Lamar56

    Lamar56 Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    Lupine , i am not a supporter of abortions ; let me make that very clear !! As for school shootings ; we could limit those with security persons like retired police ; but liberals think that schools would look more like prisons and they hate that idea !!! They are not really would about safe schools ; they are only using the gun issue and school shootings as a political issue !!!
  6. Lamar56

    Lamar56 Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    Keep believing your fantasy !!!
    SZinder likes this.
  7. Stanthropical

    Stanthropical De̸͍̺̺̓̾m̶̶̶ͫͫod̶̶̶ͩͩu̶̶̶ͧͧLaᴛ̶̶ⷮo̵̢̦̟͋̾̓r

    He's jeering you for your bad spelling

    He didn't suggest that you are. He's pointing out the hypocrisy of those who are against abortion.

    Schools already employ security personnel and some of them are retired/off-duty cops. Additionally, there are local, armed on-duty cops assigned to schools. That's especially true in larger schools.

    Security and cops are already in schools. There's nothing to hate.

    It is a political issue. The conservatives are bent on having their "gun rights," while screaming "abortion is evil, no matter how the conception happened" and "I should be able to kill if someone comes at me," and "lets influence all laws with religion," because "Jesus is love," but fuck the humans fleeing violence, discrimination, human rights dismissal, religious oppression, etc...

    "Right to bear arms" has nothing to do with individuality. You can't overthrow a tyrannical govt as an individual. If a government came at you with military, weapons available to you is a joke.

    This thread is all sorts of fail.
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2018
    witchygirl likes this.
  8. Leukje

    Leukje Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    Except when it is about abortions? Hippocrisy 101.
    Lupine, witchygirl and Dcdevon like this.
  9. Lupine

    Lupine Guest

    We know the US would rather a mother die than help her out. Your one of the countries that would make a women subjected to rape keep her baby and then give visitation rights to the father..

    I think you are though totally missing the point. The main issue being is you have an inability to objectively sit back and look at the issue with a fresh set of eyes. You can only see your view of the issue, you can't even sit and see both sides and think hey maybe some of what I think isn't right. This is a factor with a lot of Americans. I can sit in my own country and say that idea is good, that one is crap regardless of the party or person that suggests it..

    And love your idea that you could limit them, whats the suggestion you'll allow 5-10a year and stop the rest...
    Dcdevon and witchygirl like this.
  10. Peacecountry

    Peacecountry Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    So much bullshit and rhetoric here about the politics of it. Yet the country hands out guns like candy.
    A small sampling of the insane laws regarding gun ownership.
    Only 11 states prohibit someone under a temporary restraining order for domestic abuse and 20 states don't prohibit someone under a final restraining order.
    There are still 14 states that don't prohibit firearms for those convicted of a felony crime.
    Only 13 states have laws in place for family members or law enforcement to petition the court for removal of a firearm from someone who poses an imminent danger to themselves or others.
    Only 9 states and D.C. disqualify people who have been committed to a psychiatric hospital for emergency care from carrying a concealed weapon. Think about that one for a second.
    12 states do not require a concealed carry permit and 19 states don't require any training for a concealed weapon.

    Here's a good example of how ridiculous some of this is. The state of Wyoming disqualifies a person with a misdemeanor drug conviction. Meaning someone who has been busted with a few joints or whatever. Also anybody who has been in drug or alcohol rehab. Yet they have no disqualifications for domestic violence or felony conviction or indictment.

    This is just the tip of the iceberg here. I'm not talking about law-abiding citizens and your average Joe here. I'm talking about criminals and mentally unstable individuals and let's not forget about domestic violence. Stats show that there are approximately 10 million victims of domestic violence per year and they also show that the presence of a gun in these cases increases the risk of homicide by a whopping 500%.
    I guess heaven forbid anybody should use logic and reasoning here but there is obviously a huge problem in the interpretation of the 2nd amendment.
    Dcdevon, witchygirl and Lupine like this.
  11. Lupine

    Lupine Guest

    Well if you want to lay the blame how about this.


    Your current commander in chief repealed a law that stopped those with Mental issues possibly getting a gun. But hey thats against there rights. Where are the rights of those parents for there kids to grow up and have families.. Who cares as long as gun companies are making money, buying votes and paying taxes..
    Dcdevon and witchygirl like this.
  12. Autonomous

    Autonomous The Village Clown FCN Regular

  13. Stanthropical

    Stanthropical De̸͍̺̺̓̾m̶̶̶ͫͫod̶̶̶ͩͩu̶̶̶ͧͧLaᴛ̶̶ⷮo̵̢̦̟͋̾̓r

    Are you drunk? Do you ever have any words of your own regarding any matter? This is a discussion (lol), not a video link thread.
    witchygirl and Lupine like this.
  14. Dcdevon

    Dcdevon Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    This whole thread is a study on paranoia and brainwashing. No Democrat or anyone else has attempted to repeal the right to bear arms. Restrictions on who can buy guns and what types of guns are available for purchase yes. But total repeal no. And for that to happen would be extremely complicated to begin with. But the Republican party tells them that is what Democrats want playing to their fears and insecurities. And the Republicans party does that because many of them are in the pocket of the NRA. And they are in the pocket of the NRA not just because of money although that is a big part. But because the NRA has got them to trumpet their message for so long the people believe it and think any politician that doesn't support complete access to guns is un American. Or anyone else for they matter. I've even seen people online repeat that ' stay in your own lane nonsense' when if someone actually shoots them it would be doctors who try and save them. As long as a lobbying group is more powerful than elected officials in some places this circle of stupidity will continue.
  15. Leukje

    Leukje Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    Sheep is Sheep, what do you expect?
    Dcdevon and witchygirl like this.
  16. Dcdevon

    Dcdevon Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    The good news is the NRA may soon cease to exist ( their words) because of huge financial problems they blame on a long legal fight in NY and the fact membership dues were down 35 million last year. There are even reports they have stopped paying for free coffee and pulled the water coolers from their headquarters. That hasn't been verified though I don't think. So in due time they may be gone. They already had to drastically cut back spending during the mid terms. But the cycle they created will exist for decades to come. Until their acolytes start to die off at a higher rate due to old age and it's ailments. I'll be happy to see them collapse in any case. If it happens.
    witchygirl likes this.
  17. Stanthropical

    Stanthropical De̸͍̺̺̓̾m̶̶̶ͫͫod̶̶̶ͩͩu̶̶̶ͧͧLaᴛ̶̶ⷮo̵̢̦̟͋̾̓r

    Baaah baaaah

    What's funny and ironic is that conservatives are the sheepest sheep of all the sheep: 1. More likely to be Blindly following fictitious ancient text. 2. Believe in magic. 3. Largest source of conspiracy theories, manipulative misinformation and pseudoscience (most likely to eat it up too)... The list of absurdity is miles long.

    If liberals were to learn how to lie and manipulate as well as conservatives, there'd be a different playing field with different issues.

    Libertarians are just conservatives embarrassed to be called conservatives, for obvious reasons.
  18. Lamar56

    Lamar56 Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    Your last point is a fail or you know nothing about our Revolutionary War !!! From what i am reading here by those on the left here is that only Government knows what is best for us as whole !! We should not have any individual rights or any personal responsibilities !!!!!!!! To me that sounds like Communism !!!!
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2018
  19. Lamar56

    Lamar56 Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    If you want an abortion then fine then you pay for your abortion
    You want an abortion fine ; then you pay for your abortion !! As a tax payer i should not be paying for you to have one !!
    That should be your responsibility !!! Should i buy you a car or a house just because you want one ?
  20. Lamar56

    Lamar56 Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    Lupine you may think wh

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