The violent far right

Someone name one politician that DIDN'T lie to us....I will wait. . . . .
A restaurant in Baltimore has receive numerous death threats directed at the owners and staff because they have an anti Tr.ump poster on the wall as well as pro immigration posters. What happened to the right to dissent? Doesn't exist for the brain washed ignorant average Tr.ump voter. Hillary was right . Baskets of Deplorables.
A restaurant in Baltimore has receive numerous death threats directed at the owners and staff because they have an anti Tr.ump poster on the wall as well as pro immigration posters. What happened to the right to dissent? Doesn't exist for the brain washed ignorant average Tr.ump voter. Hillary was right . Baskets of Deplorables.
To be fair, it seems nowadays, anything that anyone disagrees with seems like a green flag for people to hate on them. People feel like it’s ok to berate people for having a different opinion or view. This problem goes beyond the left and the right. It’s honestly horrible how people let their views and opinions get in the way of the fact that these people are allowed to have a different view.
This is why I don’t like people. We don’t like different. People with different views, who aren’t labeled as ‘normal’ because they have a disability, or they go against what the majority think.
This is why I don’t like people. We don’t like different. People with different views, who aren’t labeled as ‘normal’ because they have a disability, or they go against what the majority think.

Absolutely this, and when one side tries to be 'the moral authority' it is laughable.

T rump got the USA to troll itself, nice one!
This is why I don’t like people. We don’t like different. People with different views, who aren’t labeled as ‘normal’ because they have a disability, or they go against what the majority think.

Certainly not difference of opinion, nor diversity (which is what some in society demand that we adhere to).

I often wonder to what end some of the more 'irate' members of society thinking/working towards? Surely, we should be able to look past our differences and accept that some people will never think the way that you or I think - it doesn't make them wrong and it doesn't make you or I wrong, it is only accepted common behaviour/trends/standards which we are using in our rationale and that can all change in the blink of an eye.

Most people want a clean environment, low as possible taxes, basic freedom and liberties - that should be good enough. However, some people are not satisfied with that and squeal 'muh oppression' when they cannot get what they want. The same dimwits hark on about privilege when it is they who are the most pampered and privileged of them all.

Yes, I do care about overcoming things such as racism and homophobia, but I believe that screaming abuse at people and having apoplectic meltdowns online is not going to solve anything. I would put more money into helping black people, disabled people and homosexual people start their own businesses as this will help to grow the economy; you will find that during times of economic prosperity, people are a lot more happy and content and do not 'bitch' as much. Making these people a part of society, rather than apart from society, helps enormously and then the question will be 'do we really need special interest groups at all?'

Some people, sadly, will always be hateful (some may even have mental health issues which cause/trigger their bad behaviour, but this is a separate issue) and for these people there is nothing we can do other than to leave them behind. Society evolves and changes, so these people will in time become the 'Dodo' species that became extinct. You can only help a person so far and so much, and those whom refuse help - well why bother exhausting yourself emotionally with them?

For the so-called 'hard left', nothing will ever be good enough, so I would stop pandering to their needs; we could have a black, transgendered, disabled female Pope and they'd still cry 'but it's not good enough... boo hoo!'