Someone name one politician that DIDN'T lie to us....I will wait. . . . .
To be fair, it seems nowadays, anything that anyone disagrees with seems like a green flag for people to hate on them. People feel like it’s ok to berate people for having a different opinion or view. This problem goes beyond the left and the right. It’s honestly horrible how people let their views and opinions get in the way of the fact that these people are allowed to have a different view.A restaurant in Baltimore has receive numerous death threats directed at the owners and staff because they have an anti Tr.ump poster on the wall as well as pro immigration posters. What happened to the right to dissent? Doesn't exist for the brain washed ignorant average Tr.ump voter. Hillary was right . Baskets of Deplorables.
This is why I don’t like people. We don’t like different. People with different views, who aren’t labeled as ‘normal’ because they have a disability, or they go against what the majority think.
This is why I don’t like people. We don’t like different. People with different views, who aren’t labeled as ‘normal’ because they have a disability, or they go against what the majority think.