The Z-MACHINE - The most powerful electromagnetic wave generator on Earth

Discussion in 'Science and Technology' started by Billy_B, Dec 27, 2017.

  1. Billy_B

    Billy_B Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    So powerful it can produce Six Times the World’s Energy to Create a White Dwarf Star, without question the most powerful electromagnetic generator manufactured on Earth.


    The Z Pulsed Power Facility, informally known as the Z machine, is the largest high frequency electromagnetic wave generator in the world and is designed to test materials in conditions of extreme temperature and pressure.

    It has the energy to create a neutron star ( A neutron star is the collapsed core of a large star which before collapse had a total of between 10 and 29 solar masses )

    It has the ability to duplicate the required electromagnetic radiation to manifest a black hole on Earth, producing 26 Million Amps to create what is called the Z-Pinch where nuclear fusion is constructed, it creates a minor Earthquake whilst in the final stage of operation, being felt across the entire facility.

    Besides being used as an X-ray generator, the Z machine propelled small plates at 34 kilometres a second, faster than the 30 kilometres per second that Earth travels in its orbit around the Sun, and four times Earth's escape velocity (3 times it at sea level). It also successfully created a special, hyperdense "hot ice" known as ice VII, by quickly compressing water to pressures of 70,000 to 120,000 atmospheres (7 to 12 GPa). Mechanical shock from impacting Z-machine accelerated projectiles is able to melt diamonds.

    The Z machine produced plasmas with announced temperatures in excess of 2 billion kelvins (2 GK, 2×109 K) or 3.6 billion °F (2 billion °C), even reaching a peak at 3.7 GK or 6.6 billion °F (3.7 billion °C)

    Operated by Sandia National Laboratories, it gathers data to aid in computer modeling of nuclear weapons and eventual nuclear fusion pulsed power plants.


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    PervGirl_AP_taboo likes this.
  2. Billy_B

    Billy_B Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    I wanna have sex with it
    PervGirl_AP_taboo likes this.
  3. Spawn90

    Spawn90 Member

    Hahaha! Duude! Like do ya think it can uhh! Maybe like jack me off a little!? I'm so picturing a hardcore stoner asking this!! Lmao
  4. Billy_B

    Billy_B Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    Fuk Off ya dirty fuking Perv
  5. Spawn90

    Spawn90 Member

    What an absolute A-hole! What's your problem dick? Ahh! I'm not even gonna bother with you...its always pussies like yourself that act ballsy sitting in front of a computer where you're safe from getting ur ass beat for acting like an A-hole!! Eat shit and vomit on yourself!
  6. DepressedHentaiLover

    DepressedHentaiLover Member

    I feel better reading this thanks science always turns me on

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