Time Travel - The Science

Discussion in 'Science and Technology' started by Queenkit1st, Jul 13, 2018.

  1. Queenkit1st

    Queenkit1st Active Member

    I have received many complaints due to my supposedly preposterous and radical claims on the impossibility of true improbability. I therefore divert to a less theoretical side of physics and present to you... the science.

    The speed of light in a vacuum is constant to everyone. It is stated in the simple term, c. c is 299,792,458 metres per second. If you are travelling fast then surely the speed of light relative to you lessens, but no, as I said before, c is constant to everyone. Therefore something else must be slowed down - time. This means that you can travel at a fast pace and still experience light at the same speed.

    If you spend 15 years on the ISS, your watch will be 0.2 seconds behind the watches on earth. This is time travel 0.2 seconds into the future. The faster you go, the further forward you go.

    So that’s travel into the future sorted - now for past. There are only two recognised models of time: block universe and constant universe. I will explain each in detail.

    Block universe states that the past present and future all exist and are not described by when but by where. It states that all exists in one moment and time is a mere perception as opposed to a true thing. If this model is true then it allows for the idea of this block to be folded and for two separate moments to be linked be a wormhole. This model gives a positive side to the possibility of time travel.

    The second model is less optimistic. It states that now is now then is gone and what is to come is indefinite, shaped by the goings on within the universe. This is most widely accepted by non-physicists and clearly states that even if time travel were real, there would be nowhere to travel to. The future travel talked about at the beginning is not future by just slowing down time in order to experience present later than most.

    I wish to hear your views and I will inform you of less touched upon topics such as wormholes and actual time machines. I personally believe in the constant universe model and do not deem time travel possible. Read “Time Travel - The Truth” to find out why.
    ZombieStrife and hardcoreJane88 like this.
  2. I hope you agree that your future time travel explanation is the same as mine on the other thread? I agree that travel to the past is impossible but not even considering the science personally I feel something in the past has been and we can clearly never go back there in reality. Although I like your scientific analysis I can talk about wormholes all day! Lol Putting aside the possibility that the universe allows for time travel you have to remember the method. If you are going to take the absolute scientific angle then it is simple to travel into the past. You can just travel at speeds beyond that of light if the same physics apply the faster you go the quicker time would pass until your infinitely fast you could theoretically be infinitely back in time. Although like you said in the actual universe it is impossible to travel at the speed of light at the moment! Lol
  3. Queenkit1st

    Queenkit1st Active Member

    You wouldn’t truly travel back in time, I would travel so that you can se the light of your body meaning that you can see your previous self. Such as by looking at far away galaxies, we see millions of years in the past but that is less time travel that sight.
    up2us2gethornyx likes this.
  4. Queenkit1st

    Queenkit1st Active Member

    I agree it’s similar but I added a bit more depth to allow others to understand.
  5. Queenkit1st

    Queenkit1st Active Member

    Do you agree?
  6. I can’t help feel it’s funny how you are told that your looking back in time when you look at the furthest away galaxies. I get the science it just seems unreal to be looking at something in the past?
  7. Queenkit1st

    Queenkit1st Active Member

    Lol yeah
  8. I would always want to go to the future just to see how we get on!
  9. Queenkit1st

    Queenkit1st Active Member

    Same although there would be no turning back.
  10. hardcoreJane88

    hardcoreJane88 Well-Known Member

    Hence my current obsession with particle accelerators, gravity and time travel
  11. Queenkit1st

    Queenkit1st Active Member

    If it is an obsession, I would like your verdict on this post. Do you find it interesting/informative?
    Abdalrahman-Taha likes this.
  12. Abdalrahman-Taha

    Abdalrahman-Taha New Member

    my money is on , no, time travelling is not a thing .. at least not like "back in the future" kind , however , quantum tunneling is a thing , so is quantum superposition and uncertainty principle and all three of them explain why we "observe" galaxies that do not exist , time traveling for a normal human body in a titanium box would make them both disintegrate or spaghettify like most scientists think , but to a quantum particle excited enough to move at super speeds it wouldn't be travelling through time , it would be opening wormholes and crossing realities, without any notion of what would've happened or what will happen
  13. Abdalrahman-Taha

    Abdalrahman-Taha New Member

    very informative and exciting :) you're quite the buff in physics ;)
  14. Queenkit1st

    Queenkit1st Active Member

    It’s a good hobby to have

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