Travesty To many of the girls who say that they love to RP, some simple observations...

Discussion in 'Drama' started by BasicBastard, Dec 11, 2021.

  1. BasicBastard

    BasicBastard Member FCN Regular

    DSCF2849.JPG -- to girls ho say they are sluts, nymphs, whores, fucktoys, etc. etc. but you suddenly disappear right when the rp gets to a sex scene.... you are NOT a slut or a fucktoy... you are just a cocktease... period.

    -- to all you fertile breeders wanting to get pregnant who disappear before having sex in the rp... you are completely missing the point, and you probably didn't do very well in your sex ed. classes.

    -- to girls who spend a few minutes setting up some general ideas together about the RP but never get beyond 2 replies before disappearing... what point are you trying to make? Why?

    -- to girls who suddenly disappear and never return to the rp, then 2 minutes later you log in with a slightly different name... you are NOT being clever, it's obvious.

    -- just a question- how many people here actually tell the person they are rp'ing with something like this- "hey I gotta go in 5 minutes", or "thank you for your time",or some similar message? I will always try to do that but when they just ghost it makes that a moot point.
  2. Hinsornigen

    Hinsornigen New Member FCN Regular

    That's the worst
    aesthetic_arla likes this.
  3. Stanthropical

    Stanthropical De̸͍̺̺̓̾m̶̶̶ͫͫod̶̶̶ͩͩu̶̶̶ͧͧLaᴛ̶̶ⷮo̵̢̦̟͋̾̓r

    Be glad that they engage you at all. There are like twice more men than women on social websites for adults only.
  4. DirtyRPMan

    DirtyRPMan New Member FCN Regular

    I don't know if that kind of engagement is good though. Who wants to set up an RP then have someone leave in 2 replies? What's the point? What I find horrible is when that person tries to do it again to you. If I had to guess it's just people who really just get off on the set up then head out. Just the idea is good enough. That or they have someone they are waiting for and you're the filler.

    I usually get a ton of surprise when I don't leave quickly. So I'm thinking it's rather hard to find good RP partners regardless of gender.
  5. Stanthropical

    Stanthropical De̸͍̺̺̓̾m̶̶̶ͫͫod̶̶̶ͩͩu̶̶̶ͧͧLaᴛ̶̶ⷮo̵̢̦̟͋̾̓r

    Just like with anything else, it takes time to build your skills in keeping up interest in your RP, luring potential RP'ers to your ideas, retaining RP'ers, etc.
    Busty_Nerd likes this.
  6. Look, you lot like what you like... but whenever I see "want RP" all I actually see is "too scared to do anything else"... that's my experience on here, but that does not mean I'm correct either.

    I'm unwatching this, just sharing my thoughts.
  7. Stanthropical

    Stanthropical De̸͍̺̺̓̾m̶̶̶ͫͫod̶̶̶ͩͩu̶̶̶ͧͧLaᴛ̶̶ⷮo̵̢̦̟͋̾̓r

    We all have different expectations and different modus operandi. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    koreangirl22 likes this.
  8. Stanthropical

    Stanthropical De̸͍̺̺̓̾m̶̶̶ͫͫod̶̶̶ͩͩu̶̶̶ͧͧLaᴛ̶̶ⷮo̵̢̦̟͋̾̓r

    I sometimes spot RP male profiles with a ton of RP female followers. I'm guessing those men have a unique and interesting style, while other people aren't that interesting. Maybe it's time to re-invent?
    bratty_bi_sub and Busty_Nerd like this.
  9. Busty_Nerd

    Busty_Nerd The Thicc Admin Staff Member FCN Regular

    This is just part of roleplaying. You will find partners who don't care about your roleplay, who leave in the middle, who get hit up by 100s of people and leave, you reply two times then leave. It's just part of the experience and you will run into these from time to time. I like @Stanthropical 's suggestions. If this is happening frequently, maybe you are messaging the wrong people, or maybe it's something to do with you. Women get hit up by the 100s, especially if they have a very erotic scene. I think your complaints are valid, but if this keeps happening to you, I doubt it's always the other person's fault.

    Some people like writing and want to write with like-minded people, and that's what they are here for. There's no need to be rude to someone who may not be seeking the same thing as you. I don't think looking for roleplay implies they are cowards. Some people only want to fantasize, not have a real thing here. And there's nothing wrong with that.
  10. Grimly_Fiendish

    Grimly_Fiendish Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    Politeness costs nothing, if you’re not feeling the RP politely say why and step out. It’s way better than ghosting which just leaves the other party nonplussed and wondering what they did wrong.
    Manners maketh the man people!!
  11. Grimly_Fiendish

    Grimly_Fiendish Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    Urgh feeling the tumbleweed again, there have been a lot of new RP requests where the person does not even have the politeness to engage or even reply, to a simple and non offensive PM. This is before any RP has even been discussed so it doesn’t exactly bode well for their long term commitment, not sure why they bother posting in the first place. Here cndeth the grumble
  12. SexyAsianBitch

    SexyAsianBitch Forum & Chat Moderator Staff Member FCN Regular

    Not everyone believes the same you do with politeness. The anonymity of the internet means people feel they can act however they want without repercussions. Ghosting has become more and more popular as a way to leave an online interaction ever since the dawn of social media and dating apps. Ghosting is easy to do, a lot easier than saying " no I don't like this " or whatever way they feel to turn down you rp idea.

    In my experience, most men on here cannot take any form of rejection well. So that is why ghosting is so popular. Is it the right thing to do? No. Is it easy to do? Yes.
    Luminitia and Grimly_Fiendish like this.
  13. NewMessiah

    NewMessiah Guest

    Lots of womansplaining in response to this -- "it's your own fault," etc. -- but, there are a couple of factors at play here.

    1) Many women come to sites like this seeking validation rather than sex.
    As soon as they have ascertained that they can get a man's attention, they are good to go.

    2) There are so many men who are desperate to get off that the ladies can afford to treat it like Kaiten Sushi. (Google it).
    Content yourself in the knowledge that most of these women are as endlessly, hopelessly dissatisfied with the experience as you are.

    3) You are failing at game theory. Other people are ghosting you. That's how it's done here, so you should do it too, and without feeling guilty.
    Tell yourself you are giving them a taste of their own medicine if you need to.

    Personally, I never reach out to the women who advertise that they are "submissive" or "desperate to be used." They never actually are.

    (And here comes the angry troll mob of "actual submissive females" to tell me that no really, they can be submissive when all the planets are aligned perfectly and that, once again, it is our own faults that we never seem to be able to manage to bring out that inner slut. All I can say to them is, this ain't build-a-bitch -- or, in your case -- build-a-Christian-Gray.)

    * Another tip: if "she" isn't holding the camera, ask who is. They hate that. >D
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 3, 2022
  14. Lulisa

    Lulisa Member FCN Regular

    It's not Kaiten Sushi, more like all-you-can-eat buffet but the only dish is white rice.
  15. BettyCarmelBikiniLover

    BettyCarmelBikiniLover New Member

    TL;DR: Economics, demand and supply, no one is to blame but biology.

    Fair points, all. There are enough good and bad experiences here which bring people back to this chat and frustrate them.

    I do find and lose good partners a lot, and I've been on IRC for ten years. I'm not always in the mood myself. RP'd for 8-10 years.

    The real issue is economics, supply and demand. Lots of men looking to get off, and lots of cock-teasing women who just want compliments for their pictures. It simply cannot be resolved. Over here and in college campuses, women's company is more in demand and it's both sad and amusing to see men's frustration in finding women to be with.

    When they age, it can be the opposite. I've heard of so many women who are holding office or singles parties with a handful of men attending, and their frustration is equally sad and funny. The sad part is that both blame each other and want the other party to improve what they're doing as you can and will see in this thread, when it's simply a function of biology and demand, or evolution if you prefer.

    Before someone wants to say I might not know what I'm talking about, I could be wrong, and I have seen and experienced both sides' stories - men do have a LOT of trouble with getting warm, responsive women who are not fussy about what they want in and out of the bedroom, and women are overloaded with attention to the point that they have to have SOME filter to choose wnat guys to reply to. It goes both ways, and believe me, I know what it's like for both genders.

    It's no one's fault that it's happening and we really should stop asking men or women to 'behave better' with each other. Both of them will default to fighting with each other due to their experiences. What we have to do is get both sides to experience each others' problems without mocking them.

    I'm very sorry to the men and women I didn't reply to, I just have my own preference for trans girls (or TVs, CDs, etc.). And no, you might not be the exception. ;)

    See these videos for some more perspective:-

    Last edited: Jul 3, 2022
    Grimly_Fiendish likes this.
  16. LesEllie

    LesEllie Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    Taking to the forum to publicly complain that, essentially, everyone sucks and no one RPs to your standards and that its all their fault, and you, of course, have none of the blame. With pretty much everything taken out of context, I actually kind of regret reading this post at all, but yet here I am. It happens. I'll say this though, if your goal is to attract more RP partners, and more importantly, quality RP partners, your whiny crusade here is certainly a most interesting approach. All you've managed to do is paint a picture of yourself as a whiny, needy, annoying RP partner with little to no patience or actual respect for the art and play of it. You sound like one of those immediate gratification players that you complained about. But I digress. Good luck in your search.
    Fleshlight-UK likes this.
  17. Grimly_Fiendish

    Grimly_Fiendish Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    If the art is to post then dash, I see little point in it. I am ready to commit my time to an RP and have never backed down from that commitment. I am respectful and try to steer clear from causing any type of offence when initially responding to an RP request. The fact that the ghosting happens at that stage. just leaves wondering why the fuck they posted an RP request at all, what do they actually get out of doing that?
  18. Stanthropical

    Stanthropical De̸͍̺̺̓̾m̶̶̶ͫͫod̶̶̶ͩͩu̶̶̶ͧͧLaᴛ̶̶ⷮo̵̢̦̟͋̾̓r

    Maybe they were overwhelmed by PM responses and closing the browser was easier to deal with that? Maybe they were overwhelmed with your response and/or commitment level, and decided that an abrupt exit is a better use of their time? Maybe they were kicked by the system because of spam or something else? Maybe a better opportunity presented itself elsewhere and ghosting, again, was a more efficient use of their time? Maybe they were simply disconnected? Maybe they were simultaneously harassed in another PM at an abrupt departure was a solution? Maybe they were really a man, pretending to be a woman (solely for RP purposes) and they weren't prepared to carry themselves at the level of detail or style your RP demanded? Maybe, maybe they swam away...

    I'll mention again that females a GREATLY outnumbered by men on websites such as this. It's easy to get overwhelmed by multiple factors all at once and the best solution oftentimes is to just bail. I don't think it has anything to do with gender regarding competency of handling a role play engagement. Absurd amount of men mistreat women in an anonymous environment and many women don't feel that they owe any explanation before disappearing.
    xShygirlx and Busty_Nerd like this.
  19. Grimly_Fiendish

    Grimly_Fiendish Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    Yeah all valid points. I’ll say no more on this.
  20. Lulisa

    Lulisa Member FCN Regular

    I think it goes like this:
    1. You write "hi" in #AdultChat
    2. You receive a private messages from 20 different people within 10 seconds
    3. You answer all of them because you are dumb
    4. You receive 20 new private messages when they reply to your answer
    5. You realize answering them didn't make them go away and just click the x because you don't actually want to deal with talking to 20 people at the same time

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