What to do with money in forum?

Discussion in 'Drama' started by Tropywifyy, Aug 30, 2020.

  1. ZhatFukar

    ZhatFukar Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    It's fake, like most of the people. Fantasy funds for a fantasy life style
  2. Flowers_for_Zoe

    Flowers_for_Zoe Active Member FCN Regular

    Why don’t I have more money??!
  3. YadaYada

    YadaYada Guest

    There a gift system as well. There was a tip system as well.
  4. Busty_Nerd

    Busty_Nerd The Thicc Admin Staff Member FCN Regular

    Post more on the forum = more money
  5. Qusigh

    Qusigh Guest

    Bruh like that's the thing to do
  6. Qusigh

    Qusigh Guest

    Invest in my fcn coin
  7. Lakeside

    Lakeside Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    The money is basically simply a record of your contributions to the forum since the November 2016 upgrade. They could have called it points or credits or anything really. The more you contribute to the forum, the more 'money' you accumulate.

    It's a carry-over from the old days when you accumulated 1 'money' for every 30 minutes spent in the chat. You could actually then use the money to buy fellow chatters gifts, anything from a virtual cup of coffee (5 'money') to a virtual tropical Island (100,000 'money'). The idea was to encourage you to stay in chat longer to 'save up'.

    Ls x
  8. Qusigh

    Qusigh Guest

    Bruh, I want a virtual tropical island ngl
  9. mytxquila

    mytxquila Member FCN Regular

    I'd wanna buy something for @Daph
    Daph likes this.
  10. Daph

    Daph Guest

  11. Pyr

    Pyr Guest

    status is nice to impress the neighbors with.
  12. Pyr

    Pyr Guest

    maybe the coin can be buried in a chest in the sand... X marks the spot. as for clout, i fear i am bludgeoned with blows, especially with the fists, enough from my fellow chatters... i do not want more ;-) oh the evil of homonyms

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