Who the hell wants to unlock a phone with a face?

Discussion in 'Drama' started by Stanthropical, Sep 14, 2018.

  1. LittleNympho

    LittleNympho Guest

    Well, you brought efficiency into the picture, and the term simply doesn't belong in the same illustration as an iPhone. Those phones are made so that you as a user cannot access the ram, and so that you cannot download programs from the internet. It's a smart way to keep your beloved iphone in a state that is always eating data. For example, if you download Facebook, something that is constantly updating, then you don't actually get to turn it off. It will continue to eat data as long as your phone has a connection. This is why companies such as ATT and T-Mobile had to start offering data plans tailored to iPhone. Too many angry users. Well, at least your text is blue and your Ear buds are fancy, right?

    Sorry, you seemed like the kind of intelligent man that appreciates efficiency and truth. Emotional manipulation seems to be what you prefer instead. That's ok sir
    Dogowar likes this.
  2. Stanthropical

    Stanthropical De̸͍̺̺̓̾m̶̶̶ͫͫod̶̶̶ͩͩu̶̶̶ͧͧLaᴛ̶̶ⷮo̵̢̦̟͋̾̓r

    That’s odd. It’s efficient af to me.

    I really don’t give a shit about “programs from the internet.”

    If you’re reallly interested in “programs from the internet,” you can jailbreak an iPhone and do whatever the hell you want with it.

    I don’t really give a shit about data. Unlimited primary data with unlimited hotspot data.

    I don’t even know what you’re referring to.

    I hate earbuds. I primarily use Bose OE SoundLink headphones while on the go.

    It’s ridiculously efficient for me.


    What the hell are you talking about? I’m trying to bitch about removal of fingerprint sensor.

    You make a ridiculosly large amount of assumptions, based on your personal experiences. There’s a word for that behavior.
  3. LittleNympho

    LittleNympho Guest

    I see you have been ruffled. Great essay! XD make sure you don't leave your bloomers on the floor :oops:
  4. LittleNympho

    LittleNympho Guest

    Based off of your bitchiness it just seems like you'd be a lot happier with something more customizable lol
  5. LittleNympho

    LittleNympho Guest

    You state that your rage is just about that feature, but you as a consumer know that you're getting the short end of the stick, and that this is contributing to your dissatisfaction with the price you paid for your device.
  6. Stanthropical

    Stanthropical De̸͍̺̺̓̾m̶̶̶ͫͫod̶̶̶ͩͩu̶̶̶ͧͧLaᴛ̶̶ⷮo̵̢̦̟͋̾̓r

    Pointing out your failure in reading comprehension =\= “ruffled.”
  7. Stanthropical

    Stanthropical De̸͍̺̺̓̾m̶̶̶ͫͫod̶̶̶ͩͩu̶̶̶ͧͧLaᴛ̶̶ⷮo̵̢̦̟͋̾̓r

    That doesn’t even make sense. All I want is for the phone to retain a fingerprint sensor with that unlock feature.
  8. LittleNympho

    LittleNympho Guest

    But you'll never get it because iPhone doesn't consider their users in that way.
  9. Stanthropical

    Stanthropical De̸͍̺̺̓̾m̶̶̶ͫͫod̶̶̶ͩͩu̶̶̶ͧͧLaᴛ̶̶ⷮo̵̢̦̟͋̾̓r

    Do you even know what you’re talking about?
  10. LittleNympho

    LittleNympho Guest

    There's other options but you'd rather suffer and bitch. So yes, ruffled.
  11. LittleNympho

    LittleNympho Guest

    Yep and I like how you're responding to my attention ;)
  12. Stanthropical

    Stanthropical De̸͍̺̺̓̾m̶̶̶ͫͫod̶̶̶ͩͩu̶̶̶ͧͧLaᴛ̶̶ⷮo̵̢̦̟͋̾̓r

    Another irrelevant strawman argument just to distract from the fact of your original irrelevance?

    Son, are you drunk?
  13. Stanthropical

    Stanthropical De̸͍̺̺̓̾m̶̶̶ͫͫod̶̶̶ͩͩu̶̶̶ͧͧLaᴛ̶̶ⷮo̵̢̦̟͋̾̓r

    Are you finally admitting that your reading comprehension skills are fail af and you have no idea what relevance is? ;)
  14. LittleNympho

    LittleNympho Guest

    Your denial is blasé, it's not a strawman because it's specific to you, silly noodle
  15. Stanthropical

    Stanthropical De̸͍̺̺̓̾m̶̶̶ͫͫod̶̶̶ͩͩu̶̶̶ͧͧLaᴛ̶̶ⷮo̵̢̦̟͋̾̓r

    How am I suffering?
  16. LittleNympho

    LittleNympho Guest

    "Fail as fuck"

    Your age is showing
  17. LittleNympho

    LittleNympho Guest

    It made you so bothered that you made a post on it to see if other people could relate to your bitchiness, and didn't expect someone to just offer you a simpler solution than sitting and whining?
  18. Stanthropical

    Stanthropical De̸͍̺̺̓̾m̶̶̶ͫͫod̶̶̶ͩͩu̶̶̶ͧͧLaᴛ̶̶ⷮo̵̢̦̟͋̾̓r

    LOL You have no idea what you’re communicating. :D
  19. Stanthropical

    Stanthropical De̸͍̺̺̓̾m̶̶̶ͫͫod̶̶̶ͩͩu̶̶̶ͧͧLaᴛ̶̶ⷮo̵̢̦̟͋̾̓r

    Is that a technical expression for whatever topic you think this thread is about? LOL
  20. Stanthropical

    Stanthropical De̸͍̺̺̓̾m̶̶̶ͫͫod̶̶̶ͩͩu̶̶̶ͧͧLaᴛ̶̶ⷮo̵̢̦̟͋̾̓r

    I don’t think you understand what a “topic,” “discuss” and “relevance” mean.

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