How do you know what sexuality you have ?

Discussion in 'Community' started by Andrew34m, Dec 26, 2023.

  1. Andrew34m

    Andrew34m New Member FCN Regular

    I don t know or understand my own sexuality.
    In real life i mostly find women atractive.
    But when it comes to sexual i mostly fantasy about trans and sometimes even men,
    I don t know where i stand.
  2. Genevievebiwife

    Genevievebiwife Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    My suggestion would be try to date around and see how you feel , just be honest with your dates . Good luck
    AnIndianGirl likes this.
  3. Andrew34m

    Andrew34m New Member FCN Regular

    I been with girls before and i was emotional atracted to some of them. I totaly prefer girls body to men with only 1 exception ( gentials). But sexual i am not really enjoy to recive oral i prefer to give.
    I only been with 1 trans profesional and i like a lot more than girls
    Genevievebiwife likes this.
  4. Busty_Nerd

    Busty_Nerd The Thicc Admin Staff Member FCN Regular

    I've been a bit of a broken record here in the LGBT forums. But trans women are women. If you're attracted to trans women, you're attracted to women. After seeing some discussions recently i've noticed there's been heavy stigma towards the label "bisexual" but bisexual, pansexual and heteroflexible are great places to start. That's only if you're attracted to men. Otherwise, it's completely valid to go "I like women and that includes trans women"
  5. Andrew34m

    Andrew34m New Member FCN Regular

    I do prefer women body . They are more actractive than men for me. But when it comes to genitals i clearly prefer men genitals to womens. That is why i am totaly atractive to trans , femboys , CD and every feminine guys. O don t say i totaly don t like guys , i do find some guys atractive , but not as much as girls or trans girls. But when it come to sex don t like being the top or recive oral. And sexualy i mostly fantasy about trans and men.
    Genevievebiwife likes this.
  6. Ash1eigh

    Ash1eigh Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    Why are people even so keen to find out what their "sexuality" is? The whole idea is bullshit. If you don't find Steven Seagal attractive, does that mean you're not attracted to men? No, it just means you don't like obese sexual predators with pony tails and fake hairlines. If you find that woman who works in Starbucks attractive, who has "Steph" on her name badge, does that mena you're attracted to women? To Starbucks employees? To people called Steph? Or just to that woman?
    You meet a person, and you know whether or not you're attracted to them. You can't just jump ahead and try to decide you're attracted to a whole category of person, just because you're attracted to some people within that category. You're not attracted to ALL of them, right? And just because you've never been attracted to someone of a particular category, why would you try to use that to rule them out entirely? Have you met ALL of them?
    And what if...and this is pretty far-fetched.... what if humans were capable of feeling differently about things at different times?
    Screw your "sexuality". Decide who you want to fuck, on a person-by-person basis, in the moment. The rest is a load of bollocks. If you need a label so you can join some community...well...why would you join a community based on something as weird as who you mash genitals with?
  7. Andrew34m

    Andrew34m New Member FCN Regular

    Sory if i made you mad. In my country all people are straight on the paper so i can t ask anyone in real life . I just wanted to know an answer from other people who probably have more experience then me. Thanks
  8. Busty_Nerd

    Busty_Nerd The Thicc Admin Staff Member FCN Regular


    This is aggressive and unnecessary. Some people find comfort and strength in labels. It's fine to go: fuck labels why do we need them? Like what you like. But that's just dismissing the original question. He asked a genuine question. If a queer person comes on here trying to make sense of their identity and interests we really don't need to come in here and pretend it's a dumb thing to want or understand. It's perfectly acceptable to want to use a label and like labels. And want something they can easily describe to other people.
  9. CrystalPalaceGirl

    CrystalPalaceGirl New Member

    I started to have intrusive Thoughts about Kissing other Women and I started out Bicurious and now a few Years later I'am Bisexual and I'am even attracted to Transfemales.
    Genevievebiwife likes this.
  10. leftwanting

    leftwanting Guest

    I thought I was totally straight, until I was sexually assaulted by another girl in the car park of a nightclub, she was interrupted and ran off leaving me confused, wet, wanting. So then I was curious. Now I'm Bi.
    Everyones road is different.
    Genevievebiwife likes this.
  11. Andrew34m

    Andrew34m New Member FCN Regular

    It is nice that you have the oportunity to try

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