Harem life?

Discussion in 'Drama' started by Blondeharemgirl, Sep 10, 2017.

  1. Blondeharemgirl

    Blondeharemgirl New Member

    Lets say for sake of argument an attractive western girl found herself in the harem of a Sheikh.

    What would her life be like from here on in?

    Any chance of escape? or release?
  2. Spangle

    Spangle Well-Known Member

    Resistance would be futile, she would be subject to all his whims, sexual desires and gratifications, his entertainment, and a whipping post in his darker moods. Once her looks had faded she would be cast out..
  3. Spangle

    Spangle Well-Known Member

    I answered the question as it was given...it was too general for a fantasy.

    Oh yes...I can do fantasy but there's a starting point before a progression. So the question might have been put thus:

    An attractive western girl was taken against her will and forced to join the harem of a sheikh...the sheikh was a powerful man...what could she expect?

    But then it's not my fantasy so...

    Grown a pair yet? :p
  4. Blondeharemgirl

    Blondeharemgirl New Member

    It could happen that she is a young western girl on a trip to the middle east or North Africa.

    Unbeknownst to her, her master could be far different than the sheikhs in the romance novels.

    Less this


    And more this


    She might be in luck if he was a devout Muslim actually.

    There might be one way she could convince him to return to the west and only one.

    Not a career, not school and certainly not "love." Only marriage, a commitment to another man and bearing his kids.

    I just think given the way Islamic fundamentalists value family and commitment, he'd at least not shoot the idea out of hand (as unlikely as the idea is in the first place.)

    It might be sort of a drawn out, humiliating process if he agrees. He'd insist on meeting the man face to face, strictly supervise their courtship, and make sure the loving couple are never permitted to be alone together.

    Hopefully once the Master consents the two lovers can live in peace unsupervised. But who knows?
  5. Dcdevon

    Dcdevon Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    No man in a position of absolute power would do that. He would get rid of the other man. Just because he could.
    Spangle likes this.
  6. Spangle

    Spangle Well-Known Member

    Ball growth is incidental...perhaps I have a growing obsession with you...

    ....or not.
    Dcdevon and Dhrakenz like this.
  7. Spangle

    Spangle Well-Known Member

    The honour is all mine ;)

    I bid you goodnight sir :)
    Dhrakenz likes this.
  8. AmberDoll

    AmberDoll Guest

    I hope your not thinking of joining Isis that would be so wrong

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