Rights and Freedoms Is America Still The Best Hope For Freedom Around The World ?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Lamar56, Jul 17, 2018.

  1. Male_uk

    Male_uk Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    Aye mate economic growth is only limited to the select few.

    That's exactly how it works.

    Im not saying China is perfect, its not. It has its problems but there's a reason why its become a super power and has your current big man shitting himself. They are prospering whether you want to believe it or not. I speak to Chinese people and they are doing fine, not living in the dark ages.
  2. Lamar56

    Lamar56 Well-Known Member FCN Regular

  3. SexyAsianBitch

    SexyAsianBitch Forum & Chat Moderator Staff Member FCN Regular

    There are many things wrong with this.

    1. USA was not "drawn into Vietnam at all. Woodrow Wilson denied request by Ho Chi Minh in creating Vietnam independent from French rule. Franklin D. Roosevelt declined French assistance to recolonize Vietnam. 1945 Ho Chi Minh is allowed complete takeover after Japanese surrender ending the August Revolution. Americans were working with the Viet Minh to repatroitize Americans captured by Japanese. British soldiers entered to release captured French. The French made a deal with the Chinese to help fight against Ho Chi Minh and in return the French would leave the Potts of Shanghai. So far it is 1946 and there is fighting in Indochina and Vietnam. Truman sends money to French Soldiers to help them fight the war. It was not until 625, also know as Korean War. That America decided it needs to help. Truman sent 125 non combat troops. It was not until 1956 when Eisenhower decided to send troops. This was also when a French troops were evacuating. USA also decided to take measures with Operation Trail Dust. Causing more harm than good. In the end the USA were defeated and were pulled out
    Dcdevon, witchygirl, Vey and 2 others like this.
  4. Sh4mbills

    Sh4mbills Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    @SexyAsianBitch you just so lived up to your name. So well said
  5. Autonomous

    Autonomous The Village Clown FCN Regular

    Yes, most assuredly.
    sharn likes this.
  6. Autonomous

    Autonomous The Village Clown FCN Regular

    sharn likes this.
  7. Lamar56

    Lamar56 Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    Well if they would have said otherwise I am betting that would be shortly found and jailed . The next thing you will tell me is that the Jews
    being put in gas chambers and killed during WW2 never happened .
  8. Lamar56

    Lamar56 Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    SAB at least know the history ; my point here is that we have never forced our way of life on anyone or have gained any land or country in our involvement in these wars or conflicts !!
  9. Male_uk

    Male_uk Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    Your propaganda is boring me now.

    According to wiki China has 2% of its population living below the povety line in comparison to America which has 13.5%.



    Maybe the socialists should go on an American style freedom mission to show them how to really live?
  10. Lupine

    Lupine Guest

    You know I think you may have just stepped over the line and perhaps you might want to apologise.

    Whilst healthy debate is often good at expanding how people think and see aspects of life. To suggest something like that is in very, very poor taste.
    Male_uk likes this.
  11. Lamar56

    Lamar56 Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    Then feel free to move to China . then you tell me that i believe the media and you bring out a website WOW can you be more gullible !!
  12. Lamar56

    Lamar56 Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    It maybe ; but some people even over here have denied the fact that it ever happened !!
  13. Lupine

    Lupine Guest

    But none of us here have, suggested as such. So your statement is moot.
    Male_uk likes this.
  14. Male_uk

    Male_uk Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    I present you with facts about the poverty lines in both countries which backs up my point that China under a socialist regime is prospering yet you want to call me guilible. Yet you prefer to believe the media over solid facts? I'm guilible?

    And for what it's worth, over here China isn't portrayed like a dark place where everyone is being beaten and starving to death. Obviously our respective medias see China in different lights.

    Welcome to the media! Your source of little fact but lots of slant.
    Lupine likes this.
  15. Male_uk

    Male_uk Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    And just for shits and giggles, I googled which country had the most freedom.

    According to this link


    You're not the 1st. Infact you're not in the top 10. You're not even in the top 20.

    Infact! You didn't even make the list!

    You had a Freedom Score of 86. Much lower than the 94 needed to topple the UK.

    On the plus side you got higher than China who scored 14.

    Go USA!
    LastOne, Vey and Lupine like this.
  16. LastOne

    LastOne Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    I believe that the US and Femdom is ... oh wait ... Freedom (read it wrong).
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2018
    Vey, Male_uk and Sh4mbills like this.
  17. Sh4mbills

    Sh4mbills Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    LMFAO . :D
    LastOne likes this.
  18. SexyAsianBitch

    SexyAsianBitch Forum & Chat Moderator Staff Member FCN Regular

    Didn't America take Hawaii by force?
    Serena_A and Sh4mbills like this.
  19. Sh4mbills

    Sh4mbills Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    Didn’t America take America by force ?
    Serena_A likes this.
  20. Vey

    Vey Guest

    Don’t let my honesty offend you, Lamar, but I think all of us tried to put a few good facts here, not only irrelevant infos. You asked for an opinion, try not to take all personally.

    According to the World Bank, China’s GDP will overtake the U.S. level in the next years and it is already the world’s largest trading nation. China and the U.S. make up almost 40 percent of the world economy.

    On the other hand, according to the history, this splendid isolation has never proved to be a convincing foreign policy for Americans. First in 1917 and then again in 1941, American presidents thought they could keep America out of Europe's wars only to discover that isolation was not an option for a country wanting to be taken seriously as a world power.

    A war or any kind, even a cold war, can’t be fight alone, if you want to maintain the world’s freedom. A major conventional war today could cost the United States upwards of $2.5 trillion per year. US real GDP in 2017 was 17.09 trillion dollars.

    BTW, Russia's Defense Ministry said today that it's ready to boost cooperation with the U.S. military in Syria. Prump and Netanyahu gave Tutin a valuable asset for boosting Russia’s military presence in Syria and the region at large, you’ll read more about these things on Friday. Without clear principles for intervention, without friends/allies, those soldiers, yours or ours, will defend what ? nothing more than power. And your First Amendment will probably have a different meaning for your "very stable genius".
    Sh4mbills likes this.

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