Rights and Freedoms Is nationalism bad?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by SexyAsianBitch, Mar 23, 2018.

  1. MannyMan

    MannyMan Well-Known Member

    america and it's conservatives are at best questionable. I live in America and when people say if you don't like it here then leave to where ever you came, I often hope to see them off! Their view of History is quite blurry, they forget they themselves were immigrants and in many ways stole much of the land they now claim is theirs. So yeah it's ok not to be thrilled about what america has become, it's also OK to hope for a better America... Here's to hope!!
    Dcdevon likes this.
  2. BigDaddysPizza

    BigDaddysPizza Well-Known Member

    Lmao. Holy shit,dude. You have a whole little inner world built up for me in that big,big brain of yours. What,are you writing a fucking play now? Are you Anton Chekhov or something now?

    That's a whole lot of shit you imagine a person that you've never met and know nothing about doing or saying.

    The substance of your complaint about me is that I would use prejudice about people of Latino origin in some comical ridiculous way and that ignorance about an individual person's cultural background would lead to me telling somebody from Argentina to go back to Mexico,but that is almost exactly what you are doing to me in this thread.

    You're telling me to go back to saluting a cutout of DTrump,for all you know maybe I voted for Bernie Sanders,or I don't vote at all because I think it's stupid and it doesn't mean anything.

    "Go back to playing your banjo,Jedidiah!!"

    Yeah,ok,motherfucker. I grew up in a city that was majority black and which was populated by millions of people.

    I've never been in the same room as a banjo.

    That's how fucking stupid you are. You have to use stereotypes about people in place of their actual beliefs and the stereotypes have to be really,really simple,or you can't think about them or juxtaposition yourself to them in a way that you think makes you look sophisicated to other people.

    And the whole time you're stereotyping me,your apparent reason for doing so is that you believe that I fall into a category of people that stereotypes people.

    It's ludicrous,man.

    Go clean the sand out of your vagina, take a nap, snort a couple ambien or whatever it is you need to do, and come back when you either have some facts or some entertaining bantz.
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2018
  3. SexyAsianBitch

    SexyAsianBitch Forum & Chat Moderator Staff Member FCN Regular

    I never really understood the entire mentality of someone no matter what country to say "Go back home" or "Go back to where you came from." If you were born in that country, wouldn't your home be that country? I noticed Autonomous mentioned this in her post, how many people in the United States actually understand that they are more than likely immigrants as well if you take your lineage back far enough?
    MannyMan likes this.
  4. Dcdevon

    Dcdevon Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    I know nothing about you I am just having fun fucking with you.
  5. Dcdevon

    Dcdevon Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    They mean minorities . At least she does. She a racist. In their mind the land Europeans stole and murdered natives for is theirs now. And anyone who disagrees with their word view needs to go ' back ' to Africa , South America etc. Whether they were born here or not.
  6. BigDaddysPizza

    BigDaddysPizza Well-Known Member


    There's a couple things wrong with that assessment. The first is that American Indians did not understand the concept of land ownership,another is that before Indians started a war with European settlers the settlers were paying for the land and the Indians thought they were ripping US off.
    After we won the war with them,the land did indeed become ours. That's how war works. When you lose a war,you lose your land. It happened to European countries repeatedly throughout our history,so it's not some kind of unfair double standard that we applied to American Indians. Spain lost their land to Arabs for hundreds of years.

    This is not something that has only happened unidirectionally in history,with Europeans taking the land of non-Europeans. In fact,there are wars in Africa all the time where groups of black people are occupied or driven off their land by other black people after losing a war.

    The final thing that is wrong with what you are saying is that American Indians are not native to North America,they are native to Siberia.

    To the extent that anyone can be said to be native to North America,that group of people would actually be Western European people,according to science.


    Your knowledge of history and anthropology is about 40 years out of date.
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2018
  7. BigDaddysPizza

    BigDaddysPizza Well-Known Member


    There are Mexican people who are themselves first-generation immigrants who want to limit the amount of immigration going on. I mean,just because someone's family might have immigrated 100 years ago,or even 100 days ago, doesn't mean they can't be for limiting or restriction immigration as a general principle.

    Whether or not a person's family were immigrants at one point doesn't really
    have anything to do with believing that is a good idea to restrict immigration by number or by some criteria or metric.
  8. Dcdevon

    Dcdevon Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    You are really stupid. You do realize that my whole point in this was to get you going. So you would keep spouting your nonsense ,with minimal effort of engagement from me. I refuse to debate anyone with views that are as mislead and historically silly as yours. You have done exactly what I wanted. You have proven yourself to be most of what I assumed about you ( minus the personal background which I only commented on to get you going ) Now that you have spent two days proving to anyone who views this exchange your backwards mentality and thinking I'm done. Good job ! It's way too easy to do this . I honestly wish I could find a smarter dumbass. Have a good day dude !
    witchygirl likes this.
  9. LiamfromUK

    LiamfromUK New Member

    indian guys shit on the streets
  10. HAL9000

    HAL9000 Member FCN Regular

    "Anything else" really? Like... fucking babies for example?
  11. DirtyLatinoTeen

    DirtyLatinoTeen Member

    Nationalism from different perspectives is in a way normal, and in counted cases even necessary for a coutry. Some philosopher once said that loving your country just because you were born there (which is all down to chance) was the stupidest thing one could do. The form of nationalism that we often see nowadays, with the people yelling others to go to their countries or trying to close borders to keep "what´s not from here" from entering into the country is, in its core concept, a reaction to fear.
    As SAB said, in some countries case it can be because experience, most of this world has, in a way, been vandalized, occupied, invaded or manipulated by a powerful country in one way or another, and it´s understandable trying to mantain external forces from attacking the place where you live. But this should be directed to those menaces, not the individual who travels into your country in self defense or searching for a better tomorrow. It is different to try to defend your fellow citizens from invaders than try to keep the Other (the different, the outsider) away because they are, well, not like you.
    It´s different the case between fighting in a war to avoid someone to take lands you´ve previously occupied for centuries than going all "Go back to Mexico/Siria/Africa" to any niceguy that steps into your country.
    I´ll use an example from my current situation to illustrate.
    As most of us know, Venezuela is right now in a really, really awful situation, and as it happens in the modern world (and in times before), migration is bound to happen. My country opened its borders to them in an act of humanity, and there have been mixed opinions. Some were positive, there is more workforce, more professionals, more young people coming to work in here. But there has also been some backlash due to the classic "They´re taking our jobs and come to comit crimes", arguments very common everywhere, and i´m try to debunk them, at least partially.
    The first one, the taking your jobs, is a common nationalist saying, but they not only occupy jobs, they create Demand, and that creates more work as well. The actual risk then becomes regulating that the immigrants don´t mess the minimum income overflowing the job offer, but that is up to the country´s administration.
    The other would be adressed with another question: Was there crime before they came? If the answer is yes, then what is your concern? Any kind of population growth brings crime rates increase, but also a mass migrations brings brains, the people who can afford to travel away are usually professional or young people who can be trained and taught, and they can create money for your country.
    I want to end this post that was a bit too messy for my taste saying that extreme nationalism, from what i know, it´s called Chauvinism. Those nationalists who go hating on other countries, and worse, people from their country that "look like they´re from somewhere else", despite technically being nationalists, aren´t loving their country, are just fearing to be treated as they treat the Other.
  12. Serena_A

    Serena_A Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    Nothing wrong with some pride in national heritage. But taken too far, one can seem and be pedantic and outright idiotic.
    Remember that in the end we are all (sorry aliens) human.
    MannyMan likes this.
  13. MannyMan

    MannyMan Well-Known Member

    Poor Aliens always get the shaft!
    Serena_A likes this.
  14. Serena_A

    Serena_A Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    Tsk, I know!
    We should consider all aliens born on Earth as fellow earthlings!
    MannyMan likes this.
  15. MannyMan

    MannyMan Well-Known Member

    Agreed, unless they're Skrulls, those guys are assholes!
    Serena_A likes this.
  16. nikkiray

    nikkiray Guest

    Nationalism should never include disrespecting you neighbors or your neighbor's neighbor. Celebrate your nationality but respect our differences.
    Lamar56, GamerGirl92 and MannyMan like this.
  17. BobbyF

    BobbyF Active Member

    I don't know about Asia, but as someone who has lived in different African countries, you're wrong about incestuous relations being comparatively dominant in Africa. People here
    Dcdevon likes this.
  18. BobbyF

    BobbyF Active Member

    People here are educated, they are religious, and have ALWAYS been wise.
    Dcdevon likes this.
  19. Wales4Ever

    Wales4Ever Guest

    To love your country is not a bad thing.

    To be a dick about it is a bad thing.
  20. Autonomous

    Autonomous The Village Clown FCN Regular

    I'm a nationalist!! I encourage everyone to be proud of the country in which you live, otherwise you should return to the country you love the most and to which you would be most loyal to. :D:cool:;)

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