People Who Identify As Vampires???

Discussion in 'Drama' started by HotGothLadyBoy666, May 17, 2019.

  1. Lupine

    Lupine Guest

    FFS please put at least one comma or full stop in your drivel..
  2. Steg

    Steg Guest

    Hades would beat Shiva in a fight though I reckon.
  3. HotGothLadyBoy666

    HotGothLadyBoy666 Vampire

    Maybe Shiva can win in a fight against Hades but pudding I don't have the answer squat so just go off and deal with it kiddo and dear I believe that perhaps Shiva and Hades maybe the very same entity but with a different name meaning there is two sides to one coin.
    Last edited: May 19, 2019
  4. Dogowar

    Dogowar Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    *Waves hand in the air* Ah Garćon can we have the reality Cheque here please :p
    PheonixxxMonroe likes this.
  5. HotGothLadyBoy666

    HotGothLadyBoy666 Vampire

    DogOfWar you are barking up the wrong tree in the wrong neighborhood annoying mangy mut of a street dog and squat you are the one who needs a reality check big time for your big mouth plus buddy look what the big cat dragged in little mouse.
    Last edited: May 18, 2019
  6. Gilligan420

    Gilligan420 Silver Bullet FCN Regular

    I'm not sure what any of that means.
    AngieOttawa47 likes this.
  7. Gilligan420

    Gilligan420 Silver Bullet FCN Regular

  8. HotGothLadyBoy666

    HotGothLadyBoy666 Vampire

    Gillian that is fairly simple because you are a pea brain so ha ha and love how do you like your blood rag doll??? cold or warm.
  9. HotGothLadyBoy666

    HotGothLadyBoy666 Vampire

    Nothing good ever happens around midnight but still come out to play anyways.
  10. HotGothLadyBoy666

    HotGothLadyBoy666 Vampire

    A little spider came along to bring good luck in morning and but the same little spider came back in the night to bring bad luck.
  11. HotGothLadyBoy666

    HotGothLadyBoy666 Vampire

    Let me down with the taste of disappointment or give me your blood I sincerely beg you wretches and moles teach to me mortality then frighten me with your many weaknesses.
  12. Gilligan420

    Gilligan420 Silver Bullet FCN Regular

    Doh huh now?
  13. HotGothLadyBoy666

    HotGothLadyBoy666 Vampire

    The passengers left behind at stations learn to run faster and I'am leaving you far behind Gillian420 cause you are old news so I'am done with you empty space just like that and my previous post was not directed at you no matter what you think slimy wasteland of time so bye bye forever cause I have put you ignore to prove my point.
  14. HotGothLadyBoy666

    HotGothLadyBoy666 Vampire

    Is death life itself??? or that's the question I'am trying to resolve but I would like to believe that death is not the end us cause what death could possibly be???
  15. Steg

    Steg Guest

    Death is where the electro-chemical signals in the brain cease and the cells begin to decay.
    PheonixxxMonroe likes this.
  16. HotGothLadyBoy666

    HotGothLadyBoy666 Vampire

    I wonder who will protect the sain from themselves cause those you have never tasted the sweet taste of insanity don't know that they are missing out on.
  17. HotGothLadyBoy666

    HotGothLadyBoy666 Vampire

    Sweetie trust me cause darling it's okay to be funny in the head because we are all funny in the head here so be a dear and take a seat up in the clouds that are raining bones and skulls along with blood.
  18. HotGothLadyBoy666

    HotGothLadyBoy666 Vampire

    Hear no evil speak no evil do no evil is for the forgiving weak toads out there and not meant to be obeyed by creatures like me so save the morality for an actually human being.
  19. HotGothLadyBoy666

    HotGothLadyBoy666 Vampire

    Ashleigh you have been put on ignore.
  20. HotGothLadyBoy666

    HotGothLadyBoy666 Vampire

    Some people like to try their second chances

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