Thoughts Positivity and happiness thread.

Discussion in 'Hangouts, Games and Banter' started by FallenFreya, Jan 2, 2019.

  1. BadGirl45

    BadGirl45 Guest

    And a new profile to match. out with the old. :D
  2. FallenFreya

    FallenFreya Guest

  3. Kmam1989 and Harley31 like this.
  4. Harley31

    Harley31 Guest

    I second that! She's fabulous!
    Kmam1989 and Tom_the_eagle3 like this.
  5. Dogowar

    Dogowar Well-Known Member FCN Regular

  6. Yeah and check her post after a few minutes lol
    Kmam1989 likes this.
  7. FallenFreya

    FallenFreya Guest

    Harley31, Kmam1989 and Tom_the_eagle3 like this.
  8. Peony8317

    Peony8317 Guest

  9. Peony8317

    Peony8317 Guest

  10. J0DIE

    J0DIE Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    Keep those around you who matter
    MissCin, Harley31, Dogowar and 4 others like this.
  11. Kmam1989

    Kmam1989 Guest

    I would second this...and add, be sure you are that person. Users love this statement too, but rarely give any thought to being that person for those around them. But the very reason those people MATTER is because YOU matter too. Otherwise, it is just you wanting a blanket of people around you and you get to always be at the center. It is usually the center of a hurricane! lol

    Truth is that if you will be that person to others, you will naturally find more and more people who will want to be around you. We all have known users and had them in our lives. But being the attractive and kind giver will guarantee you enough of the people who matter to be in your circle. We say there is strength in numbers. That is no less true where kindness goes. :)
  12. Peony8317

    Peony8317 Guest

  13. FallenFreya

    FallenFreya Guest

    Thank you
    Kmam1989 and Peony8317 like this.
  14. Peony8317

    Peony8317 Guest

  15. FallenFreya

    FallenFreya Guest

  16. Shyguy_87, Peony8317 and FallenFreya like this.

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