
Discussion in 'Drama' started by cool_generic_username, Sep 2, 2018.

  1. cool_generic_username

    cool_generic_username Member FCN Regular

    I'm not really sure tbh. I wanted to post something else but i ended up saying this. Smh
    InvincibleLight likes this.
  2. cool_generic_username

    cool_generic_username Member FCN Regular

    This thread took an unexpected turn. * looks around awkwardly *
    InvincibleLight likes this.
  3. cool_generic_username

    cool_generic_username Member FCN Regular

    I was just curious thasall. What have i done? Lol
    InvincibleLight likes this.
  4. cool_generic_username

    cool_generic_username Member FCN Regular

    Well, this has been nice and all, lots of swearing and what not. So, anyways, if it's still relevant, uhh, Stan's a mod, so that's cool ig. Also, didn't feel belittled or something, if that even matters now.
    Uhh, what else? Yeah, you guys need help. Like, seriously. Get help. Lol.
    and and!! You guys spend too much time taking apart a post and replying to each part of it. I mean, I'm sure you have better things to do than break down a random guy's post.
    * sighs *
    InvincibleLight likes this.
  5. cool_generic_username

    cool_generic_username Member FCN Regular

    You gotta chill tho m8. Jus sayin
    InvincibleLight likes this.
  6. InvincibleLight

    InvincibleLight Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    That's what we do. We overreact ;)
    justlooking415 likes this.
  7. I'm the most chilled out person here mate so don't worry about me :)
  8. cool_generic_username

    cool_generic_username Member FCN Regular

    hmm..sure, if you say so.
    * looks away *
  9. cool_generic_username

    cool_generic_username Member FCN Regular

    * places my hand firmly on your shoulder *
    You need a hug, don't you? No shame in asking for one mayne. Come on now, don't be shy.
    Trust_RP likes this.
  10. justlooking415

    justlooking415 Well-Known Member

    @Stanthropical thinks this thread should be in drama and i agree
    Trust_RP likes this.
  11. I definitely am mate. Said what I wanted to say and now finished on that matter.
    Trust_RP likes this.
  12. cool_generic_username

    cool_generic_username Member FCN Regular

    What Stan thinks doesn't really matter seeing how this is my thread, does it? And don't sweat the lil details.
    Trust_RP and (deleted member) like this.
  13. cool_generic_username

    cool_generic_username Member FCN Regular

    Am glad you are.
    UKTattooChris likes this.
  14. justlooking415

    justlooking415 Well-Known Member

    your reply was somewhat hostile and mine to your post wasn't but this reply is to tell you that the whole point of a message board is that it's not exclusive. my first post was just asking why this is and continues to be in the college category. it should be in drama.
  15. I think initially for generics question he could of put it in any thread as it was just a question, probably the FreeChatNow one would have been better for it as he was just asking what Stan did but obviously now with how it's evolved you could put it in drama but initially for the original question I wouldn't of put it in drama myself. Just saying.
  16. justlooking415

    justlooking415 Well-Known Member

    we are agreed that it shouldn't be in college. that is the point of my initial post on this thread and btw, i've stop watching this thread so the only way i'll check back is if u like or reply to my posts.
  17. TeeNTee

    TeeNTee Guest

    Stans actually alright, you just have to learn how to take him.

    Granted (this was already touched upon by another user) he can be biased but let's be honest, if we were mods we would be too & tbf he doesn't just ban for the sake of it.

    This thread is a little bit too dramatical.
    BlueEyedLady likes this.
  18. Leukje

    Leukje Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    Opinions are like assholes, everybody has got one.

    Sometimes what remains unseen should remain unseen.
    I request this thread to be renamed TacoBelle and placed in the bans section.

    A ban is what she should get for her bold move of placing populistic drama lacking any factual value in the drama section! If only people would stop abusing power and start using me a little more.. oops, got sidetracked, sorry folks. Yes folks, in my newly found reality these two are actually related now. mwahaha. lmfao. :D

    I honestly like Stan for standing up to some bullies in a harsher way than he would stand up to average Joe´s. It show he considers the person in front of him and what might bwe needed in the moment. The way you guys have now locked and loaded and shot at him with little underlying factual evidence and a whole lot of "meeeeh" and opinions I were annoyed as well. Annoyed enough to possibly throw in a couple of extra cheeky and angermanagement deadly "sons"to set this place in fire fully.

    Funny to see even the probably biggest bigot and bully on FCN (I dont mention names) immediately jump at the victim roll and claiming wrong doing as it is against a politician and not the own family and be stricter than strict when it is about other´s wrong doings; then agian constantly claiming more leeway for all the borderline ideas and bigotry, asking people not to be so liberally offended all the time.

    The identity check thread was morally and ethically simply wrong, no matter the individuals surely painful experiences. Deleting was the only right way.

    Did we ever think about how much more Drama Stan saved us from by removing the topic? Not really, rigth?

    I am happy someone above admits to this being wrong when looking at it from another angle introduced later in the discussion. This takes character and guts, especially in a public setting. Respect, seriously.

    That means this thread is on a good way. If now Stan agrees he could have left out a few "son´s" we are actually going places like grown ups, incredible :D :D We could then consider moving it from Drama to the Science section :D The focus could then shift to pedophiles and underaged more. Pedophiles would be the ideal target group. Together we are strong lol.

    Sorry my sarcasm guys but yesterday was just THE DRAMA DAY. Summer comes to an end and everyone seems to be on edge over having spent the whole summer in front of their computers instead of starting new lives and travelling places. We are fed up and maybe starting me anyone starts taking a 2 week vacation Maybe we cut each other some slack sometimes and start looking at this a little different. Goes both ways depending on the situations.
  19. Shanee

    Shanee New Member FCN Regular

    Don't you people have real lives with real problems to be wasting time on some internet bullshit drama
    Trust_RP and Leukje like this.
  20. I'm assuming this is referring to me?

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