It's time to stop tipttoeing around the elephant in the room. Someone on the right has just attempted multiple political assinations and terrorist attacks. The right has been moving farther to the extreme for years. Reporting fake news stories as real, telling people the media is the enemy, telling people the Muslims are going to come blow us up. All this time the fact is the right is our biggest threat of terrorism. The killing at Charlottesville,the man who shots gun in a pizza parlor in DC, the Proud boy attacks in NY , the men in Minnesota who plotted to blow up a apartment complex because Somali immigrants lived there . And now this The right and there rhetoric are the biggest threat to our security. Not Muslims, not a bunch of poor hungry people looking for a better life , not the media. It's the very people telling you fools who vote for them that those are what will destroy us that will in the end do it if anything does.