and Saudi Arabia

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Dcdevon, Oct 17, 2018.

  1. Dcdevon

    Dcdevon Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    As much as I think Tr.umps ' foriegn policy ' efforts are a joke, and his silly defense of the Saudis a stain on our country and further weakens our world standing. There is a history of supporting and making allies of bad leaders and governments. To the U.S supported the governments of El Salavador , Honduras and Nicaragua during their cival wars. These governments detained citizens without trial , had military or civilian state sponsored death squads and ' disappeared ' thousan ds. Saddam Hussain was our ally before he was our enemy. So was Augusto Pinochet in Chile and Noriega in Panama be both dictators. There should be punishment for the Saudis for what they did. But America has always looked out for it's own self interests above the plight of suffering people around the world. So no one should be surprised if nothing happens. After all it is only what we have always done.
  2. Lamar56

    Lamar56 Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    Big Time leftist Liberal . Mister Niceguy and Hillary Clinton have had done the same !!!
    blaze1990 and JamieO61 like this.
  3. Dcdevon

    Dcdevon Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    You don't read well. Of course they have. I said specifically our country has a history of it. I didn't say only Republicans. Persecution complex I see. Lol
    witchygirl likes this.
  4. Dcdevon

    Dcdevon Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    See everyone more evidence those on the right are like a cult and brainwashed. I basically said although I disagree with TR.umps handling of the situation there is precedent for it. I didn't mention the political party of any of the administrations during the incidents I mentioned. But all @Lamar56 heard was criticism of Tr.ump and went on the attack . Sad lol Honestly this is probably the closest I will ever get to giving the orange facist a pass on anything and some idiot still wanted to argue . Lol
    witchygirl likes this.
  5. Lamar56

    Lamar56 Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    Again I AM NOT A Tr.ump supporter ; and as far as being brainwashed ; it is Democrates who think that their supporter should tow the line and vote for them i.e. the black vote !!!
  6. Dcdevon

    Dcdevon Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    And the right relies on scared white people and plays on their fear of change. Your point is what ?
    witchygirl likes this.
  7. Lamar56

    Lamar56 Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    My point is the Democrat party wants there supporters to vote in lock step with them . e.i. like slaves !! And if you don't you are a racist or a biggot or an Uncle Tom !!
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2018
  8. Lupine

    Lupine Guest

    You know one day people will realise that all each side does is set everyone against each other.

    They work at opposites, when really both sides should work together for what's best for the people. Not what lines there pocket best..
    Dcdevon and witchygirl like this.
  9. Lamar56

    Lamar56 Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    Question @Lupine ? and i do agree with you !!
    Lupine likes this.
  10. Lamar56

    Lamar56 Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    The only problem Lupine is that the Democrat Party is going further Left !!!
  11. Lupine

    Lupine Guest

  12. Lamar56

    Lamar56 Well-Known Member FCN Regular

  13. Dcdevon

    Dcdevon Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    You are a bit on the aggressive side today. Didn't eat your Wheaties? Anyway I didn't post this thread to talk about this nonsense. They thread isn't really about Democrats vs Republicans. But since it is of course a public thread you can post what you want. I'm going to ignore you .After I tell you to fuck off you ignorant redneck fool. You have no idea what an Uncle Tom even is . With that fuck you . Have a good day ranting about nonsense.
    Bennettrose and witchygirl like this.
  14. Lupine

    Lupine Guest

    Wiki is good, but its always based on what people enter. Sometimes you ahve to go off pat.

    But back onto the subject. A lot of countries have bad histories with dealing with people in dictatorships. But in the age we are now when you can have marches for LGBT rights, but can't have marches to remember the dead of 2 world wars. You have to consider if your dancing with the right devil..
    Dcdevon likes this.
  15. Lamar56

    Lamar56 Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    Well i am a Constitutional Conservative and a Christian . I put my trust in God not men !!
    And i put God first , my country second and myself last and i try to respect all people
    regardless of race , creed , personal beliefs or political party !! I choose not to trash this
    country even though it has had many faults !!
  16. Dcdevon

    Dcdevon Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    Yes you are right it isn't just the U.S who has a history of dealing with dictators. Politics does indeed make for odd bedfellows. And I'm not even saying the U.S was wrong to have had those dealings at the time.Well it was but when put between a rock and a hard place you do what you can to protect yourself and interests. The Saudis are our allies . Whatever else happens that most likely will not change. My point is that everyone is up in arms about this as they should be. But the reality is these types of things have happened before and will happen again. But that doesn't mean it shouldn't be recognized for what it is which is fucked up. But so is the world we live in. This will blow over eventually. And everyone will forget their momentarily outrage. Especially if gas prices go down or the Saudis agree to invest more here . This game is much bigger than us.
    witchygirl and Lupine like this.
  17. Dcdevon

    Dcdevon Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    I think the lesson we have learned is don't get in fistfights with 18 Saudis. Damn they didn't even try to come up with anything half ass credible. Just let's throw some shit out and see if it sticks.
    witchygirl likes this.
  18. GamerGirl92

    GamerGirl92 LGBT Forum & Chat Moderator Staff Member FCN Regular

    I think America needs to keep their nose in their own business. We need to stop trying to make friends with every other country. People are suffering in our own Country and those people need to come first before we worry about anyone else
  19. Pistil

    Pistil Guest

    Following this discussion - Love the forthrightness, the intelligence. the fervor.
    So long as any such can avoid vitriol and derision . . which is unfortunately too often the default in these kinds of conversations.

    Empathy is so important, so elusive in the charged and volatile world of politics.

    For my part, forgive me. I haven't much to add - except the concluding lyrics to Paul Simon's "An American Tune" which always brings a choke to my throat. Because this is a great country--in its virtues and its vices. Just like the rest of us.

    And I dreamed I was flying
    And high up above my eyes could clearly see
    The Statue of Liberty
    Sailing away to sea
    And I dreamed I was flying
    We come on the ship they call the Mayflower
    We come on the ship that sailed the moon
    We come in the age's most uncertain hour
    and sing an American tune
    But it's all right, it's all right
    You can't be forever blessed
    Still, tomorrow's going to be another working day
    And I'm trying to get some rest
    That's all I'm trying to get some rest
  20. Dcdevon

    Dcdevon Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    Will Republicans in Congress defy Tr.ump and vote to punish Saudi Arabia? Or will they do what they normally do which is Jack shit? Tune in next week folks to ' Will the Repubs grow a pair' hosted by me Devon same time same station.

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