Tuesday August 21st

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Dcdevon, Aug 22, 2018.

  1. Dcdevon

    Dcdevon Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    The events of yesterday although a vindication of what we progressives have said about Tr.ump all along , mean nothing in the very short term. He will not be charged with a crime although he committed one. And we have no clue what the Mueller investigation will say when it releases it's report. But what we do know is flipping the House will put the pressure on Congress to act. Now there is no guarantee that if Dems win the House they will try to take up articles of impeachment . Or if they will win. But it starts with us. All of us who oppose this administration must get out and vote this coming November. Maybe nothing will come of it. But being complacent is part of what caused him to be in power. Get out and vote and maybe ,just maybe we can truly begin to make this country great. Anyone else who has thoughts on yesterdays events feel free to post please. But if you are a Tr.ump supporter I will ask that you keep what you say based in fact and reality. But of course it's a public forum so you can obviously say what you want.
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2018
    whybother123 and witchygirl like this.

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