How could God be infinite?!

Discussion in 'Religion' started by Queenkit1st, Feb 8, 2018.

  1. Queenkit1st

    Queenkit1st Active Member

    One of the hardest things to picture in religion is how God is eternal.
    How can a being go on for ever and how could it never be created in the first place?

    My personal view is that if scientists believe that energy or mass cannot be destroyed or created, to deny a possibility of an eternal god would be a felony and a declaration of a disagreement with stock scientific facts and evidence.

    I’d love to here your opinions!
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2018
  2. Lakeside

    Lakeside Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    I believe God is real to the people who believe God is real. How real God is would depends on their level of belief. Some accept every thing about God as Gospel (no pun intended) while others set conditions on their beliefs. The Christian faith is not universally the same for all who hold beliefs.

    Ls x
    Jane29 and Queenkit1st like this.
  3. MannyMan

    MannyMan Well-Known Member

    Belief is a funny thing. You don't have to believe in something for it to be real. It simply is whether you believe in it or not. There are countless things that we do not have explanations for, simply theories. One thing that I have put my belief in is in the thought of there being something much greater than myself. Bigger, broader, limitless, much like space. Now how or who created all that is up to you to wonder, but I think that journey is what will define your faith. It may take a lifetime or a certain moment in your life for you to understand it, but somehow you'll get your answer, never stop knocking.
    Heidiwil likes this.
  4. Queenkit1st

    Queenkit1st Active Member

    I am also a Christian and believe everything said in the Bible to be true (excep for the parables obviously). Other ‘Christians’ are not eve angelical, but I do not believe them to be real Christians if they deny the word of God. The parables are the stories or fables and if they all were stories, the bible would not make a difference between fact and parable.

    I apologise if I may have offended with this comment but it is what I believe.
  5. PumpkinPie

    PumpkinPie Guest

    Grew up southern Baptist and didn't miss church unless you had a really really good reason. Have went through periods of questioning my belief in God, until my father became ill and we faced the decision of keeping him on life support or not. At the point of his last breath, I worried if he would make it to heaven and I also worried if I would for thinking such a thing.
    Jane29, MannyMan and Gdawg98 like this.
  6. MannyMan

    MannyMan Well-Known Member

    That is just human, we all to some degree question our longevity past this lifetime. I don't believe we are penalized for questioning, as a matter a fact I think it's expected. If you go by the bible, many questioned why and what was happening to them as they went through those trials, but while going through them is where and when they found their answers.
  7. Gdawg98

    Gdawg98 Well-Known Member

    I grew up the same. Dad’s even a pastor. It’s only natural for a human being to say hey I wonder if all this is really real. But for me when I look at my life I see where God has brought me from what he has helped me with it lets me know everything’s gonna be alright. And as long as you have a testimony and you’ve met God you’ll be alright doesn’t matter what you do where you go God goes with you!
    Jane29 and PumpkinPie like this.
  8. Queenkit1st

    Queenkit1st Active Member

    I’m a devout evangelist and I believe that you can be forgiven for any sin regardless as long as you are sorry!
  9. NinetiesBoy

    NinetiesBoy Guest

    It's a sad world we live in. It's ridiculous that people get their feelings hurt by someone who shares their view. We humans are selfish, ignorant creatures. I have my views/opinions/beliefs and I don't expect anyone to agree with me but it's reasonable to expect to NOT get criticized for your views when you are asked about them or if a forum is open to share your views. Point being, don't apologize for sharing your view. Anyone who will criticize you or get offended by your comments here (in context of this forum) is ignorant and needs to be pointed to the proper forum. This forum isn't for religious debate. It's for us to learn about others views. You have the freedom to speak your mind here. :)
  10. Lakeside

    Lakeside Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    I have mixed feelings about it. A post on another thread struck a chord with me. Basically, it said, evidence of God's existence was well documented up until the death of Christ. The post then went on to say, the death of his son at the hands on mankind caused God to wash his hands of this planet and humankind and try again elsewhere. He/She might possible be real, but God now has a new has a new ball of clay spinning in the ether somewhere far, far from here and is devoting his efforts to seeing if he/she can get it right this time. The post then said, we're basically on our own now. That theory would explain a lot and does in fact for me.

    Ls x
    Dcdevon likes this.
  11. Queenkit1st

    Queenkit1st Active Member

  12. Lamar56

    Lamar56 Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    I believe in God because i find it hard to believe that we all were created by a one cell organizum !! Or have evolved though Evolution !!
  13. Heidiwil

    Heidiwil Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    I joined the military on this belief...that there was something bigger than me, better yet, something BIGGER IN ME! I never stop knocking but at times, I feel I should just relax and sit for a bit so I can truly discover the bigger things. I'm not always sure my accomplishments have me where I want to be?! Whew, now I'm tired hahaha thanks for your thoughts!
    MannyMan likes this.
  14. Dcdevon

    Dcdevon Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    I'm not a believer. I think the Bible and Christianity are man made concepts and not divine.If there is a higher power I don't believe it would be the god in the Bible. Too many contradictory themes and falsehoods for me to think it came from a perfect being. For instance every record of a Roman crucifixion depicts crosses shaped like an x and nails driven through the bones of the wrist. The bones of the hand are not strong enough to support the weight of the human body. But Christians believe it to be fact. Why? Because a book tells you so? Not for me. But I don't look down on people who do believe. I do have a problem when they try to force their beliefs onto others though. I think politics and religion should be separate completely. But faith in and of itself isn't a bad thing. And many Christians are I think basically good people.
    witchygirl likes this.
  15. Vey

    Vey Guest

    Religion is merely a matter between man and God. But the politics of God and the politics of man are not very well separated and I think it's normal to be so. I'm not a believer either . I've heard many confusing debates about science's importance, to help you fly to the Mars and religion's importance, into buildings . A certain level of faith is needed to connect me to what I want, but not in a religious way.
  16. MannyMan

    MannyMan Well-Known Member

    I think it's all part of our human make-up. We can be greater but we seek all the things outside of ourselves to gain that feat, when it has been inside of us all along. Sometimes we have to be broken in order to find out how complete we already are, the healing process is what we need patience on. Ok I'm off my Dr. Phil/Oprah soapbox... XD
    Last edited: May 3, 2018
    Heidiwil likes this.
  17. Heidiwil

    Heidiwil Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    Well said, my Friend...i mean Dr Phil ;)
    MannyMan likes this.
  18. MannyMan

    MannyMan Well-Known Member

    I have my moments..XP
    Heidiwil likes this.
  19. Tori_Greeley

    Tori_Greeley New Member

    I don't believe in god. I believe that our energy is recycled into the consciousness that is our universe and we become part of everything that we currently exist in. God is not infinite. You are.
    MannyMan likes this.
  20. MannyMan

    MannyMan Well-Known Member

    That's a pretty cool belief to be honest!

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