Archived New Rooms: Give us your feedback! (Old Chat 2017)

Discussion in 'Official Announcements' started by vitriolicv, Sep 23, 2017.

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  1. Stanthropical

    Stanthropical De̸͍̺̺̓̾m̶̶̶ͫͫod̶̶̶ͩͩu̶̶̶ͧͧLaᴛ̶̶ⷮo̵̢̦̟͋̾̓r

    Can you explain what that is?
  2. Vital_Sign

    Vital_Sign New Member

    a space for people to set up games of dungeons and dragons.

    like there'd be maybe 3-4 going on a week during scheduled times, and in the down spots a place for people to refine their plots or characters and stuff
  3. SexyAsianBitch

    SexyAsianBitch Forum & Chat Moderator Staff Member FCN Regular

    Why can't this be in roleplay chat?
  4. Vital_Sign

    Vital_Sign New Member

    I dunno, kinda feel like the RP and RP2 chatrooms just flood with pics so it'd be a bit more difficult for some people to follow
  5. SexyAsianBitch

    SexyAsianBitch Forum & Chat Moderator Staff Member FCN Regular

    I believe having an entire room for that purpose would be wasteful and mostly empty. You said it would be 3 to 4 people, what would happen if others joined the room and were not interested? This happens a lot where people room hop.
  6. Vital_Sign

    Vital_Sign New Member

    Well the idea is to build a community right, so 3-4 to start off I think is a manageable amount of people, as for the quick joiners/quitters there's way to incorporate them into an overall story such as a one off encounter or like a random boss. there's way to let random pop in's to feel included

    for the overall participation size i also think 3-4 would warrant a room for a bit at least. I mean if you look at the Trivia/GroupRP/DankMemes room they rarely rise above ~15 people
  7. Busty_Nerd

    Busty_Nerd The Thicc Admin Staff Member FCN Regular

    We have roleplaychat 1& 2, Hornynerds and furry chat for stuff like this. It's so super niche you can find lots of people interested in the nerd rooms. You can't really schedule games when the room is public. People will join rooms or talk even if there's something going on in it. And like any niche room, it would be mostly empty or have 2 people sitting in it.

    There is currently no Dungeons and Dragons thread in the forum, maybe you'd attract some specific attention if you made one in the hobby section of the forum? That way you can discuss everything you want and attract the people you want to. Just a thought.
    honeydivine likes this.
  8. Athletic_fit

    Athletic_fit Guest

    Needing a room for platonic chat. There's enough people who have no interest in any sexy/dirty chat (but hang out in those rooms) and end up bullying/harassing people out of multiple rooms as a result.

    That's all. :)
    vanilla_hips likes this.
  9. SexyAsianBitch

    SexyAsianBitch Forum & Chat Moderator Staff Member FCN Regular

    Any room can easily be turned into that, it just takes people having a non-sexual conversation
  10. BigBerryBoobs

    BigBerryBoobs New Member FCN Regular

    Can you add the ability to delete your own comments, sometimes we type something and we didnt mean to post it to everyone or at all.
  11. Stanthropical

    Stanthropical De̸͍̺̺̓̾m̶̶̶ͫͫod̶̶̶ͩͩu̶̶̶ͧͧLaᴛ̶̶ⷮo̵̢̦̟͋̾̓r

    Added a new room #TheLastCall. Seeing how it goes.
  12. Stanthropical

    Stanthropical De̸͍̺̺̓̾m̶̶̶ͫͫod̶̶̶ͩͩu̶̶̶ͧͧLaᴛ̶̶ⷮo̵̢̦̟͋̾̓r

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