The multiverse idea is a bit like a religion. There's no way you can prove it's not real. But there are other interpretations of quantum theory which are equally viable. So what makes this one the right one?
I don't think aliens exist, so many wan'ts to believe in them thou. - we would of made the first contact already, ages ago, if they really existed. Multiverse theory in the other hand.... Not saying that i believe that there are alternative universes, you know, for real but, i do like the theory of it, that there might be. - our current understanding of the universe/science/physics would not contradict it in that way it is possible
It seems extremely unlikely to me that there are 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 planets in our observable universe and one, not zero, not more, exactly one, contains life. Ofcourse it's not impossible that earth is truly unique among these septillion planets. But the chance of that actually being the case is probably smaller than the chance of you dying by a meteor hitting your face in the next 24 hours.
When we look at the observable universe, the reasons why life exists on Earth, rather allegedly Intelligent Life exists on Earth makes it almost feel like a miracle. The Probability thus is in our favour.
I believe there is life elsewhere in our galaxy and within the observable universe but that we are the only ones that has the capability to travel outside of our planetary body.
I completely believe in alien life, I just happen to be on the side that believes the universe is too big for them to have visited us. Humanity is on the verge of sending probes to solar bodies to try and find microbial life and I'm excited to see how humanity reacts to the realization that alien life is an inescapable fact of our universe
I believe 100% that alien life exists. We have seen them throughout history. Whether they are us in the future, coming back to either help us or stop us from doing dangerous things.
We never came across alien but they do exist, considering the number of galaxies, the possible number of solar systems in each galaxy and the possibility of life in each solar systems does give us hope that we are not alone. It is for sure that they are not more developed or more intelligent than us, because if they are, they would've found us already. A multiverse is also a possible phenomenon, each with its own laws of physics and its own mysteries. We need to be a type 4 civilization to access or at least discover the multiverse. We cannot assume that our universe just existed the way it did, A big bang and bamm, there we are, it doesn't work that way, there should be a cause and multiverse, the reproduction of universes seems to be a good explanation, the birth of our universe being a natural event.
Of all the astronaut interviews I've watched, a large majority have answered YES to whether they believe that aliens exist, this says a lot.
@PheonixxxMonroe Astronauts and Scientist do believe in Alien life, but most are ready to talk about the bacteria in a carter of Mars or in the lakes of Titan, however, when it comes the proverbial ET, a sentient life - that's where the most go silent.
I do not believe nor disbelieve, but I think that the likelihood of extraterrestrial lifeforms existing is very high. I can also speculate many reasons as to why we, or, at least the general public, have not yet seen them. As for my opinions on the existence of the multiverse, they would take a lot of time to explain, and more fine-tuning on my part. To put it very vaguely, I believe that everything that could ever possibly exist is existent right this very minute, and that the opposite is also true. Furthermore, I believe in change instead of linear time.
I have enjoyed my physicist colleagues idly speculating on muultiverses but although I understad the mathematics of quantum mechanics it looks to me more like a simple mathematical model - especially the matrix mechanics formalism - without direct physical interpretation made explicit. I like the mathematis of it, but there is so much of mathematics that can model outcomes without being physically real that I find myself unexcited by the particular quantum mechanical theme. It isn't my field though - I use quantum mechanics only as a concise way to model electromagnetic interactions at small scale. On aliens, I would love if they existed. I don't know about being abducted by them, though- although I have seen 'Hentai' video clips where that looked quite ... fun...