Good Politicians?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Hedonist, Dec 5, 2016.

  1. Dcdevon

    Dcdevon Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    They could have decided dubstep is a threat to their power..I mean ah to the country yeah that's what I meant to say!
    Sextape99 likes this.
  2. Sextape99

    Sextape99 Active Member FCN Regular

    i guess ill expand on that.. did you know DHS secured an alarming percent of the ammo mfg. contracts and purchased more ammo than all branches of the military combined ? Im just sayin !
    Dcdevon likes this.
  3. Sextape99

    Sextape99 Active Member FCN Regular

    ohh hell imma roll with it..NOW brace yoself ! 1st listen to the 2nd or 3rd song---"war against the machines"..... then watch this propoganda thats actually materializing faster than we know: lol
  4. Dcdevon

    Dcdevon Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    Me too so it works
  5. Dcdevon

    Dcdevon Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    Really wow. That's definitely interesting
  6. Dcdevon

    Dcdevon Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    Wtf ! That's crazy
  7. Sextape99

    Sextape99 Active Member FCN Regular

    no shit... then keep into consideration that a plan to depopulate the world does exist . 100% declassified but still not directly acknowledged by the elite nor discussed in the media--- agenda 21 has been going on for years ..its policies discovered center-stage where health and humanitarian efforts disguise it for what it really is a few too many times for comfort
  8. Sextape99

    Sextape99 Active Member FCN Regular

    lol.... i replay a scene in my head where Mister Niceguy finishes meeting with other world leaders and just as the door shuts on his way out i picture them trying to use dated amricann slang to be funny by saying PSSSSSSSSSSSSIKE! .. ONLY IT COMES OUT WIT A FUNNY ACCENT!..OHHH PASS THE SPLIF PLEASE !CU I AM A FUNNY GUY LOL
  9. arob

    arob Member

    RoxSta and Dcdevon like this.
  10. RoxSta

    RoxSta Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    I don't think what we'd call a "Good Politician" essentially equates to a "Righteous Person"

    No matter which side you are on, it takes cojones and smarts to rise to the top. Immense smarts.

    And that I'd believe, is a commendable trait.
  11. Dcdevon

    Dcdevon Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    You don't have to be smart to rise to the top in America. It helps sure, but the ultra wealthy are already at the top. No matter how stupid they are. Some polititions do work their way from the bottom up. But not all. Some just have money to run and a way to get people to believe their bullshit.
  12. Sextape99

    Sextape99 Active Member FCN Regular

    sadly our political system has become one that only produces legislation that is bought and paid for . this omits it from actually benifiting the "common-wealth "; which in itself is a term that deserves objective review seeing how the actual wealth in america has drasticly shifted away from the majority over the years.
  13. Sextape99

    Sextape99 Active Member FCN Regular

    This entire experiment we call America has been defaced by big money , leaving all the actual weallth in america to the 1% elite. The politicians are greatly to blame for squandering our wealth to thee highest bidders. We the people are left holding a bag of debt too often. We are brainwashed by media and involuntarily indoctrinated by the education systems to believe our "democracy" somehow gives us a choice. We play the sherade by "voting" for a pre-selected set of candidates that are plotted against each other by insignificant issues that smoke-screen the actual things that should matter to Americans as a whole ----the result is allways the same and more appearnat now than ever, and frankly its quite genious . Its simply a power-play better known as "devide-and -counquer.'
    A desperate revival is needed in this country before it meets its demise -- Americans are disliked all over the world, no-one wants to remain on the Dollar anymore, internally we are devided, our political system is completely broken, the medi practices non-objective reporting subjectively known as "programming", and lastly the family value system has has reduced our society to sub-skum in many cases.
    We must find a way back to being as "ONE NATION UNDER GOD" (whatever god means to you) we must be "INDIVISIBLE" (stand together as a whole with common beliefs/standards/etc) we must demand "JUSTICE FOR ALL" (that is that our voices as heard as a whole rather than being ethnically dissected )
  14. Wales4Ever

    Wales4Ever Guest

    Are you sure that the words 'good' and 'politicians' can be used in the same sentence?

    The bulk (if not all of them) are just self-serving morons, out to look after themselves and feather their own nest.

    Even JFK was far from being 'good' and he is lauded as an example of what a politician should be.
  15. Lakeside

    Lakeside Well-Known Member FCN Regular

    One good thing about politics:

    It has taken the vast majority of traveling 'gold-brick' salesmen and put them under one roof where we can monitor their nefarious activities more closely.

    Ls x
  16. ThiccThighsAndNiceEyes

    ThiccThighsAndNiceEyes New Member

    Ideas of Ben Shapiro?
    RoxSta likes this.
  17. Autonomous

    Autonomous The Village Clown FCN Regular

    50/50 on Ben - He does not support T rump AT all. He maligns his character and political choices every chance he gets. But then again, ben h8s libtards as much as I do soooo...50/50.
    GamerGirl92 and RoxSta like this.

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